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court went great

mndblwn's picture

So after DH had his heart attack in which his great ex and BM of his 6yr old said was a drug overdose, the doctors and judge came out on our side. BM was talking to kid about case and trying to put kid against dad. well judge told her she was more poison to her son then the kid seeing dad not waking up at home the day he had his heart attack. the judge ripped her attorney a new one for getting my DH medical records illegally. BM was asking for group therapy and a custody evaluation but the judge said no way. this kid knows too much and needs to just be a 6 yr old again. her fault and the judge made her know that. our contempt of court on her and her lawyer stays hanging over their head for the remaining of the year. judge told BM that she can't just make stupid motions for custody just because she doesn't like what we are doing to raise the kid. i think BM was more pissed that she lost and was getting repremanded then actually wanting the kid. the visitation order is now set and she already complains of driving. oh well. it's time to prove that you want your son. she goes to law school all this time but now wants to only be a part time worker from home. it's really sad. she found herself a guy who has money and wants to be a chump the rest of his life.
on my end though since i work for the hospital in town my job is now hanging by a thread it seems. i walk around on egg shells because the hospital knows the messed up when giving up my DH medical records. i haven't said i am going to do anything but i havent said i'm not either. im a good worker and now supposedly people are complaining im talking too much and on my phone too much. my coworkers have done far worse things and are still working but im on thin ice it seems. too much of a coincidence when our attorneys have been contacting the hospital to subpoena people. it's a cover up and retaliation it seems. makes me stressed and work environment now just sucks. all this because BM wants to take DH out.
judge wanted to see some alcoholic pill popper that she claimed he was and yet he got my DH who just loves his kid. the more i spoke the better the judge felt about DH and I. kid knew about court and it wasn't on us. BM is acting like a lawyer not a mother. sad thing is too that she buys the kid everything and takes him to movies, zoo and water parks all the time.....trying to buy him much?? i'm glad boy gets to see things and have fun but it hurts to feel like the bad guys sometimes.


B22S22's picture

I would have to wonder how all of the "people" at work found out about illegally releasing medical records. If you didn't tell them, who did? I would watch your P's and Q's very closely at work, as things like that happening are not uncommon. Good for you on court, and good luck!