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New visits for ss6

mndblwn's picture

so our wonderful visitation order was signed by the judge finally. BM gets ss6 3 weekends out of the month but she has to do 90% of the driving. each visit so far there has been an excuse that makes us go out of our way for her stupidity. first she ran out of gas and had to drive back and get more which she claims wasn't something she could control then she says she can't drive in rain without 4 wheel drive. this woman wants to be a lawyer thats the scary thing. she is truly the most stupid butt person ive met. her and her attorney are still going for an overdose/alcohol charge on DH which isn't going to happen by any means. the hospital is trying to cover up their mistake by not telling DH that his records had been subpeoned. i didn't think my life was going to get this crazy. BM doesn't like dealing with me at drop offs. she only talks to me when she has to make a point that she finally was a mother and bought clothes or shoes. other than that it's total silence. works for me cuz he voice is like fingers on a chalk board. ss6 still acts like he has to tell us what moms judge says about when he goes back to her. im sure he has fun when all she does is take him to movies and buy him toys. BM actually wants someone to come evaluate each household for custody. this woman hasn't been around for 3 and a half years. no insurance coverage for ss6 that has heart condition. no paying child support. this woman used DH as babysitter and now im in the picture to show her up.