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kids mouth

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So while dealing with DH heart issue and the BM stating it was a drug overdose, the judge has now signed into order the visitation and phone arrangements that the two of the came up with. since ss6 has gone to BM, on two occasions he has spoken about drinking by her which is her main crazy issue with DH. ss6 told BM to pour drink out cuz SM says DH drinks a little more than I like. now BM wants a psych evaluation for ss6. she says he is put through lots of trauma. my DH doesn't drink at all now like he used to but it was never anything that ss6 would be harmed. i feel ss6 would tell his BM that he didn't want to go home to BF anymore and make up excuses to stay with her. ss6 comes home like any normal kid would. she tells DH that he will lose his job and he is using ss6 as a pawn. this woman hasn't been around for 3.5 yrs and then starts to shake rattle and roll since I have come into the picture. She makes excuses about driving when she is the one who agreed to all her driving. her main focus was to take the kid from DH not realizing she has to drive 4 hrs each time she picks up ss. so 8 hrs of her 4 day weekend is spent driving. next she wants to stick him on a plane alone. $250 dollars total for 3 weekends to see ss. it's like DH was her babysitter for the last 3.5 yrs and now she is back and the kid can do things by himself. DH and I are so frustrated and beat down by this that sometimes I ask myself if ss6 is worth it. I know that sounds harsh and i love that boy like he is my own but WOW this woman is intense. judge ordered only text/email no more than 4 lines and no more than 20 words per line for the parents to communicate. one subject he says but this woman goes off on a tangent if she is proven wrong or we won't do what she wants. really should we live our lives like this? what more can we do? this evaluation is the second time she has pulled this with ss. she claimed that ss was distraught about me being around. so school took ss out of class and questioned him. ss came out fine and happy.