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mndblwn's Blog

Should I Feel Bad??

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I live my life feeling bad for DH when it comes to his son. His son lives with us, attends school and does activities. BM has him weekends. All the woman does is spoil the son rotten with toys and concerts and junk food while my husband and I sign him up for sports, do the normal school activies/work and tend to his health like doctor appointments and whatnot. His son always wants to know when he is going with BM and asks to call her. He doesn't ask her when he is with her to call DH or ask when he is coming home. He almost acts as if it sucks to be dropped off to us.

Doctor Update

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I must have caught BM in one of her good moods last week or she just had something else planned but she agreed to switch time with DH to take skid to heart doctor. Crazy World but the kid got to make his appointment sooner than later. Not surprising BM didn't show up or even email/text how the appointment went. Either she doesn't care or she will just call herself for information. Skid is doing fine but his aorta is still growing.

BM backdown

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So our BM finally agreed to let us keep skid and take him to the heart doctor visit this friday. in exchange for these 3 days, she is picking him up 3 days early for her summer vacation. what's new with this agreement over the one we asked for last weekend? we offered up the same exchange and she flipped saying we were playing games and that we are ignorant and she won't talk to us anymore, everything must go to her attorney first.

Emotional Wreck

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If you were to read my last blog you could see why my mind is always clustered. BM has canceled the heart doctors apointment and is rescheduling on a day when DH has skid. She tries her hardest to manipulate the situation like its our fault because we said we would take skid. She states she has plans now for skid next Friday which is probably sitting at her work all day. How is sitting at work more important then your sons health when there is someone who can take him? She won't let DH have skid because one time she was sick during her visitation and DH wouldn't drive skid to her.

DH is clueless/blind

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I'm don't like my husband or skid. I call my bedroom my little apartment because when skid is home with us that's where I would rather be. DH is clueless/blind/dumb to the crap that skid likes to play. Dinners are always horrible at our house. We try to have a balanced meal and sit as a family. Skid watches me like I'm about ready to slit his throat and he tries to get out of eating things by making excuses to DH. Yesterday for Easter dinner it was "I don't have enough room on my plate for peas." DH was going to actually buy that and not have skid eat them. It's absolutely ridiculous.

BM strikes again

mndblwn's picture

Starting off....BM doesn't want to drive a lot this next week to see skid. She claims its too much for skid and she will give up time to make up later. Our CO says no makeup unless we take from her. We tell BM if she thinks its too much driving then skid can stay hom and DH gets full custody. She says no way and the judge says to co parent (remember she has only been around for a year and a half).

Good Things

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Just updating....all is well i guess in my household. The only bummer is that my hubby's dad passed away. Very sad but very expected and we know dad is in a better place. The funeral program outted my pregnancy to my DH ex wife. Oh well I suppose because it was going to come out sooner or later. No crazy words from her about it. Surprising enough it made us realize that skid is going to her house and not telling her things that happen with us.

When BM changes SKids Thoughts

mndblwn's picture

How do you all handle the fact of BM changing the way the skid thinks about you? You are a nice person who does things for skid as if they were yours and the skid doesn't care because it isn't mom who did it?

How do you deal with skid being a little brat around you but great around DH?

I truly don't like being home when skid is there. He has changed into his mother so much since she has decided to be apart of his life. (only since I came into the picture)


mndblwn's picture

So we decided to tell BM that if she agrees to it, whatever days are missed during her weekends for tee ball then we will give those days up over our summer break. We told her if he misses 9 days with her then she gets 9 days added to her summer break. We told her too that if she comes to the games and wants skid afterwards and its her weekend then fine she can take him.
