vgill's Blog
What to do?
DH wont listen to me and Bm is being a Bitch! Bm now want's to step up and be a mom now that we have hit a breakthrough with SS12, after leaving 10 years ago! She is so jelous of the relationship Dh and I have with Ss12, now she wants him to try and fuck him up like she did when she took SS14 10 minths ago! THe problem is that I can usually read BM like a book and I know SS12 like the back of my hand,(I have been with him longer than BM)SS12 now says he wants tyo go live with BM because she is pestering him, and I say let him go.. BM has no patience and SS's fight non stop.
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I am one pissed off Mama!!
I have had it with BM, she is turning my SS's into assholes!!! I told her what I thought of her, and how it is gonna be, and if she isn't going to step up and be a real parent to these boys then leave them alone and let me do it!! I am not backing down anymore! I will not have these boys and her decide how I live my life anymore!! She now knows I am not going anywhere, and I am not puuting up with their bull shit anymore!!!!! I am now in the drivers seat of my life and DH is on my side,, and so is BM"s, boyfriend LOL!! This woman has no Idea who she is messing with!!!!!
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I had it out with Bm, I hope it works!!
I can't believe it, she caught ss14 having sex with his girlfriend, and then let them go out this weekend to an amusement park, and she paid for it and drove them there!!!WTF!!!! I called her tonight and let her have it, I told her SS 14 needs a parent not a friend, she hung up on me I called back and SS14 answered and I told him he should not be making these adult decisions when he is not able to take care of himself he said " it's none of your fucking business.
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Help! Does anyone know how to get BM to step up and take care of her own kids!?
I am so tired of raiseing her kids and then have her bad mouth me to them and have her tell them they don't have to listen to me I am not their mother.... Neither is she.. she told DH to take those F-ing little bastards when you go 10 years ago because she was too busy spreading her legs for every guy in the county, and she was too selfish to take the time to be a MOM and now she thinks she is super MOM...WTF!!!! I am too busy raising my own 4 children to deal with her 2 disrespectful boys who are teaching my children bad bbehavior!!!
I have had it with SS's!!!!! I don't want to deal with them anymore!!!
This has been the worst week!! SS12 threw a temper tantrum because he didn't get his way so he kicked the glass door to our business and busted a $2000 dollar door, and called BM to let her know what the situation was,(SS14 has tried living with BM for the first time for the last 10 months) she told us even worse news SS14 has been having unprotected sex with his 14 year old girlfriend!!! UUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!. I told her months ago not to let them spend soo much time together and alone!!
Help!!! what am I supposed to do with this kid!!???????
I need another point of view, my SS12 is violent, cruel, selfish, and destructive!! The boy just threw a tantrum and broke the plate glass door out of our store($1000 in repairs) he has broke 4 more windows at home,broke doors, broke appliances,destroyed the other childrens toys,ripped down curtains,stabbed walls, kicked holes in walls. Not to mention pushing around my 4 year old, and saying things to my 9 and 7 year old that are sooo cruel! and the last time I slapped him for those bad words direceted at me last winter, he pushed me on the floor...
F*#@ing little brat!!! I want him out!!!!
We have been having a couple of good but stressfull weeks, we have a combined family with 6 kids, 3 are mine, 2 are his and 1 is ours, and we just opened a new business, and it is a very busy time of year for us(were butchers)I did not need to deal with this!!!
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I'm already stressing!!
It is only Tuesday and I already am starting to dread next Sunday night, MY SS's are going to their BM's this weekend, and the last 2 weeks have been good because she was too busy to see the boys on her last weekend. When they come home from Bm's house they are the most dissrespectful,selfish, and mean spirited boys ever!! I already dread the attitudes that come with a weekend with BM, it makes me wish either they never got to see her or they just lived with her for awhile, let her deal with the attitudes she creates and then maybe she won't try to undermine everything DH and I try to do.
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I don't know what to do or expect!?
Bm has been telling my SS's for years thet when they turn 12 they can come live with her(they don't need a babysitter then) One SS 14 has already gone to her house and what a relief it has been on both Dh and myself. Tommorrow ss11 turns 12 and now I don't think, after months, and years of telling us that he is going to his Mothers, I don't think he is going to go!!! I'm sorry but I really want him to go!!
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How many step parents have full custody of skids? and How many wish they didn't?
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