vgill's Blog
Help!!! I feel I need to disengage,How do i do this without neglecting my resposabilities!!
I have gotten some great advice, but I don't think it will all work for me, we have a combined family of 6 children, the oldest 2 are my SS's. The 2 oldest make more mess than everyone else combined. I cannot just ignore the mess as i have a 8 month old baby who is crawling, and puts everything in his mouth!My three older Bchildren feel like they are not as good sometimes because Imake sure that they are responsible for their messess and that they have to do chores(dishes cleaning ,pileing wood) and SS's won't do anything.
Question? would it be wrong?
Would It be wrong to tell my SS's " I am not your mother or your maid and I will not be used, if you want to teat some one like shit, go find someone else or go crying to your BM" It seems cruel but I feel like it needs to be said. what do you think?
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I am feeling nothing but Hatred for SS's!!
I just have to look at them , hell even think about them and I become angry,defensive,panicked,and like I want to lash out at them!! I have never felt this way before in my life!!! I just want them gone and to not come back! Perhaps if they went to live with BM permenantly i could learn to tolerate every other weekend, but now just the though that I may have to endure another 6 years of them living with me makes me feel ill!!!This last 6 days without them was awsome !!! the house was peacefull, no one was disrespectful or mouthy or lazy!!
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They are coming home in 2 days and I am already starting to panic!!! I don't want them here!! they just make life miserable for everyone... what do I do!!??????
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How do you get a BM to keep her kids? I don't want to straigt out say I don't want your kids(that might scar them)but I want them out of my home. Does anyone know how to word a conversation that may make her decide to keep them, she already has one living with her and I want her to take the other one. I just don't want to hurt DH by saying I don't want your kids here, and he is already stressed out, and is very unhappy with his kids behavior. What do I do?
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peace at home~! I just hope it is not temporary!
skids aren't here, house is at peace! I just hope they don't come home again! I wish their BM would just keep them! My kids went to a family dinner and were well behaved and came home and put their laundry away, had a snack and quietly went to bed, we got to have a great day with kids that are well behaved and loving (not perfect) but great kids. I am so glad his monsters didn't go! Yesterday we went to another family dinner and they were fighting and screaming and they broke things and were taking toys away from the littler kids! they are absolute monsters!!!!
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The demons soon return!!!! I already have an upset stomach!!!
Bm called today to find out when she can bring her boys over for Christmas, she wanted to do that today, I made excuses and said we were too busy today, so she is bringing them tommorrow. In the background I heard" we don't want to go today, take us over tommorrow night and then pick us up at noon!!" The little brats are only interested in getting gifts!! they don't want to be here for family dinner, and they don't want to go to family gettogether later that night and another one on boxing day, It's all about what they might get!!! Greedy little brats.
DH's brother called last night to talk with DH (they are very close)anyway he wasn't home so his brother and I had a conversation and we got on the topic of Skids(he has SD16) he flat out told me to forget my skids they were a write off, and they weren't worth my time and to concentrate on my own children. He and his SD16 went through a rough time for a little while but things are good now, but what I am dealing with, and have been dealing with for 4 years, he said isn't going to change, these kids are no good and a waste of time to deal with.
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Question for SM of teens.
Is it just me or do teens that have parents that live separate have an attitude of entitlement, where they feel they should have what ever they want when ever they want it! And that things are just never good enough for them and that SM's are nothing more than maids that are supposed to buy them things ,take them places, and clean up after them? Maybe this is normal Skid teen behavior ofr I really do have the laziest, most self centered, rude and hurtful skids on the planet!
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I think I just got the best Christmas gift ever!!!
I think both SS's are going to live with their BM!!Last night I simply asked SS14 to help pick up some laundry that was on the couch that he had thrown on the floor. He wouldn't do it, so I just did it myself, and I told him to take his blanket upstairs because he wasn't sleeping downstairs again tonight and making the living room a mess again, so that I can clean it up. Well he just flipped out... I just told him he had to sleep upstairs like everyone else...
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