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I'm already stressing!!

vgill's picture

It is only Tuesday and I already am starting to dread next Sunday night, MY SS's are going to their BM's this weekend, and the last 2 weeks have been good because she was too busy to see the boys on her last weekend. When they come home from Bm's house they are the most dissrespectful,selfish, and mean spirited boys ever!! I already dread the attitudes that come with a weekend with BM, it makes me wish either they never got to see her or they just lived with her for awhile, let her deal with the attitudes she creates and then maybe she won't try to undermine everything DH and I try to do. She just instills in them this attitude of entitlement that they bring home and there are other children here!!, they don't need to learn that kind of behavior. I just wish she would follow through on her promise to take the boys when they turned 12, so she can see what we deal with, with those attitudes, I mean after just 2 days with them she is calling Dh, and complaining about the boys, Last time she called he finally said something. He said now you see what we deal with, and he said you have caused it, you deal with it and then hung up on her!! that's why she didn't take the boys last time it was her weekend. It should be interesting to see what happens this weekend ss just turned 12 yesterday. I just wonder what will happen!!!???


lovin_my_life's picture

Has anybody put the kids in counseling?

Some kids adapt to an environment very easy. If BM is allowing them to do/say whatever they want there will be a harder time transitioning back to dads house, dads rules.

prayerhelps's picture

This is so tough, and we have gone through the exact same thing, eoSunday. What my DH started doing on Sunday nights, he will go to pick up SDs, and then they have a 15min drive back home. During that time, he will see "where they are" with their attitude. And pretty much say---you are coming home, we will not put up with that attitude, you best adjust it starting now before we get home. you know what our rules are and they continue to be.
If they seem to want to have attitude, they can just sit in their room all evening until are ready to act way we expect.

If not enough of a ride home, can easily go by the park, mall, someplace to give them a chance to shift their attitude before they get home.

Most times it works, but sometimes we still have to remind once get home that that is not how we act at home.

good luck