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Who's dreading the weekend?

overit2's picture

So admist all the happy times w/all the new babies.....who else here is freaked about the weekend?

I'm dreading it already-not sure what will happen-if we will see eachother Easter, whathaveyou.

BUT is already in a mood since last night-he always gets this way on his wknd w/SD- I guess I have Friday for a day to myself-off work but kids are in school.

Friday the boys are going skating so no need to see sd. Saturday I'm taking the boys to my brothers to see their cousin-and plan to stay there a bit and maybe go to the movies afterwards to avoid bf and sd...then Sunday is Easter-so perhaps Church in the am...and then I might bake a ham. If bf has plans w/his parents then I will do my own thing w/the boys and be done w/it...I just don't have it in me to see her or deal w/her or bf's attitude when he's w/her. maybe we can try to see eachother a bit Sat night...I can get a sitter for my kids and he can ask his folks to watch her. Just dreading it--no patience-been a tough week.


newmom01's picture

Is it me or when the sk's come the dad goes crazy? Like everything would be fine between the two of you but when sk comes over he gets ticked off about the smallest things then you both end up fussing....then he turns it on you and says "YOU act up when the kids come, cause you dont want them there" But he is the one that starts everything???

alwaysanxious's picture

THIS!!!!. also mine is either in a crappy mood or hyper. so frustrating, but I'm the one that acts up.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

I'm dreading the weekend for sure. We will have FSD Saturday night and when we wake up Sunday morning we're off for a trip to the Future In-laws...whoopdie doo da day!!

bioandstep2009's picture

Nope, not me, I am looking forward to the weekend and the week! SS11 lives with me, DH and DD12. He sees BM EOWE. Well, it's Spring Break and her weekend so he's gone (as of yesterday) and will be gone next week, and that weekend as well. I see it as a much deserved break for DH and for me, as he can be such a pain and just requires so much work (reminders to do daily things, asking him to finish dinner etc)