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thinkthrice's Blog

Spin Off On Tater Thursday

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Garden thread:

Oh my gawd the WEEDS!!! Ok I neglected my asparagus bed last fall.  Yes I cut down the dried stocks earlier this year as well as pruned the raspberries.  But what was really shocking was the entire bed approximately 8 feet by 30 feet was covered in narrow Leaf plantain also known as Buckhorn plantains!!! 

I weeded the entire bed out and put down straw.  The asparagus it's starting to come up now.  I have something called Creeping Charlie, pigweed, lambsquarters, Canada thistle and a few other weeds that I have forgotten their names to.

Confirmed: Podunk NY's School District is a Joke

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In Varsity chorus a score of 100 was given even though the comment says:  "student is submitting very little work from home; it has been difficult to stay in contact,  please respond to emails." 

I guess you could do singing online but I think this is mostly some music theory.

In PE score of 82 was given even though comments state: "student has had little communication with teacher; student is submitting no work from home." 

I'm thinking PE involves doing some sort of physical activity app and logging it.

Online learning

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Seems like some Governors have proposed getting rid of in-person classroom and school buildings to completely be replaced with remote learning.

A local high school science teacher commented that out of 85 of his students 42 actually did the remote learning and there is 20% of the class that haven't even responded to his emails.


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My agency is offering voluntary furloughs from May 15th through August 1st.  My income level is just above the threshold where I would break even on the new unemployment rules.  Health coverage would continue.   I could use the time to continue working on the downstairs apt. (and my garden.)

I must admit this is very tempting however:

1.  It would prolong my retirement by as many weeks

2.  I'm considered an "essential" employee because I run the 911 system and do 90% of the computer work for local police agencies, ambulances, etc
