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thinkthrice's Blog

HousesHitter Gets His School Schedule

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He is a senior this year.  Earlier this year, the Gir yanked him out of school a good two weeks before Covid officially closed the schools.   Absolutely ZERO school work was done from that day on as the warning letters advised. (Not that any school work was done when school WAS in session)

This year he has a hybrid schedule.  Remote lessons will be Monday-Wednesday, In class lessons will be Thursday and Friday.

In other words there will be ZERO schoolwork done M-W and on T and F, the HousesHitter will roll in late as usual,  then skip most of his classes to do drugs. 

CSEU Returns Overpaid CS in Drips and Drabs UPDATED

thinkthrice's picture

We are now up to TEN payments in drips and drabs!!!!!   Total of 457.75.  I think they are single handedly trying to keep the post office afloat!   So even if Podunk County, Girhippoville NY paid a reduced postage/franking charge of .30 a mailing, so far they have wasted 2.70 in postage.  It all adds up!

Again this is overpayment from May of 2019  when SD finally emanipated just before age 21 by moving away from the mothership.



O/T Can't Catch A Break (Work Rant)

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So five months, 10 days to retirement and what happens?  The new sheriff is horrible and

hires one of his cronies that is a reject from the FBI.  This guy is a know-it-all and is trying to climb to the top by stomping over everybody in the IT department.  I told him twice why changing software package would not be a good idea  ( money already spent elsewhere and no support from this company).  


thinkthrice's picture

My new tenants as mentioned before consist of a young couple, stepdad, NCPBM and her 11 yr old DD she gets on the weekends.   All three are as skinny as a stick yet the BM and her DD walk like elephants.  

My Tenant Is a NCP BM!

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My upstairs apt is rented out.  These were the best of the lot.  They're married (he's stepdad and is the breadwinner), she gets her 11 yr old daughter on the weekends.  

Was over their painting the downstairs apt and heard her kid galloping across the floor.  LoL.

As long as they pay their rent... 

Can't Make This Stuff Up!

thinkthrice's picture

The HousesHitter  (YSS stb 18) is trying to break into the dog walking business. 

1.  He's an animal torturer (not as bad as his sister but still)

2.  He's high all the time so there's NO WAY I'd EVER hire him to walk my dog

3.  Covid lockdowns are still going on here in NY and most people are walking their OWN dogs



O/T Chef Continues To Try And Learn Guitar

thinkthrice's picture

First hats off to Chef for taking the doctor's advise seriously.  He's made it for 7 weeks straight!  He looks great!  Is exercising every day, cut out drinking, is getting me into the act, snoring greatly reduced.

BUT he is tone deaf.  He'll play a chord incorrectly and not instantly realize that it's "off."  I have practically perfect pitch and can tune instruments by ear.  As soon as I hear a dissonant note, it sets my teeth on edge.  He does practice in the garage must of the time but when he practices near me it just drives me crazy. 
