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spittenfire's Blog

BM Signed over Temporary Custody..... any experience with this?

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Well apparently BM signed over temporary custody to my DH as her safety plan for SS. He is supposed to meet with DFS supervisor at 11 to go over the safety plan. Apparently they are not even allowed overnight visits, not even her dad is. Unfortunatley he has enabled her and allowed and covered for her and ultimatly at the jeapordy of his grandson. Not sure what her stipulations are yet except for she has to aquire and maintain her own place., she is 30 and has not had her own place ever! She has always lived with her parents or a boyfriend. Hell she cant even hold a job for very long.

Restraining order against BM Fiancee Now what?

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Ok so DFS is going to "refer" the case to the juvinille courts, but apparntly cant remove SS from BM care because of BF hitting SS. :?
BM told DFS she was going to get a RO against her BF (of course she will say anything to make DFS go away) But then last pm SS got to stay the night and low and behold BM calls from her BF house and puts her BF daughter on the line to tell SS how much she misses him :sick:

Emergency Motion Denied last Month and now BM has been beat up by her BF and SS hit in process

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Our last emergency motion and contempt of court for BM moving in with her BF with out notifying DH was denied last month. Judge stated if there was an emergency issue DFS should step in. Well the DFS caseworker quit so they closed the case they had open? How do they even do that. Also BM "moved back" 2 days before the hearing so they threw out the contempt motion. Of course they have continued to live together but we cant prove it.

GAL Called Our Lawyer!!! Prayers needed!

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So GAL called our Lawyer asking if it was DH weekend. Our lawyer said she did not believe so and why. GAL has apparently gotten the drug results back and has called BMs lawyer. The GAL wants BM to sign some "documents" immediatley and BM's lawyer is in agreeance apparently and is now trying to get ahold of BM. The GAL cant tell our lawyer at this point what the results were or what the documents are but our lawyer believes that BM has tested positive for something more that just marijuana.....we were questioning Meth.

Caught BM lying to Judge and GAL and her own Lawyer in Court and a bit of Advice needed!

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So during the hearing a few days ago the judge was trying to schedule a hearing date for the Contempt Motion on BM. He stated a certain date in feb with a time. BM replies that she will not be able to make that time as SS has a counseling appointment. GAL told her "you need to be here have your dad take him" which she said ok. Well DH goes to meet with the Director of said counseling center today to discuss the screening results and for him to give his input on the precipitating factors.

Revelations and Glimmers of hope come from Denial of Emergency Custody Hearing and need to Vent

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So yesterday my DH tried to obtain Emergency Temporary Custody of SS due to BM neglect, behavior, and criminal charges from this last month. Well the judge totally shot down the motion refusing to hear it. However we gleaned important information in the process.

Emergency Motion Denied

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Well the judge denied the emergency motion. Stated "I dont do those if I did everyone would be wanting one". Bitch BM thinks she won again. The GAL did tell the court that there was an open DFS case against the BF however. And the one on BM has not been officially opened yet. The DFS caseworker stated that she wanted to see if our lawyer could get custody changed and save the state resources but since that failed she is apparently moving on with her case. Next court hearing is Feb 26th for a Contempt motion for moving without notifiying the father. Then July for the final case......

Im Gonna have a panic attack....I should have went to this hearing!

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So my DH is at the courthouse waiting for his emergency motion for psych eval and temporary custody to be called before the judge. the attorneys are there, BM and her dad are there. No sign of her boyfriend whom she just moved in with after he had her arrested!! Those felony charges for the theft did get dismissed because BF dropped charges. But DFS worker who told DH that he was working to get SS placed Temporarily with him is there. DH texted that the DFS worker did not even recognize BM (she cleans up well for court apparenlty).

Emergency Hearing Today

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Today my DH is going to a hearing for a Motion of Emergency Temporary Custody, and a Motion for a psych eval. BM lawyer threw a fit tried to get it rescheduled and the GAL has submitted that she will be late.....everyone please pray for my DH and SS that God's will truly be done today, for he knows absolutley what is best for my SS today. In Jesus name I pray...

BM Refused Safety Plan and no show to GAL

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Well apparently the childrens service worker offered BM a safety plan temporarily placing SS with DH while they "get her some help" but she refused. Even when she was told this would mean that they would persue a court order to have him legally removed and placed with DH....she still refused!! Then her lawyer refused to make her abide by the ordered visitation day, stated that she would stick to the alternate agreed to date. Well so when my DH texted her on the "agreed to day" she responded with ss has appointment your lawyer should have made you aware.
