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Shaman29's Blog

I just love being a b*tch sometimes!

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DH's kid is pissed at me. She wanted to spend a few days with a girlfriend so they could go to the county fair. Cool...fine...whatever. However her girlfriend's BioDad would be picking them up tonight and taking them to his house. Again fine, except we take DH's kid back to Uberskank on Friday and DH needed the Biodad's address.

The stupid game ends today. I called out DH's kid.

Shaman29's picture

DH's kid (d15) has one chore. Just one (with the expected pick up after yourself and keep your room reasonably clean). Wash the dishes before we get home from work. That's it.

Now, we've lived in this house for 5 years and I have never rearrange the kitchen or dining area in that time. Last night I'm making a salad for dinner and can't find the cutting board. It wasn't where it's supposed to be. I finally find it and I'm irked. Not mad, just annoyed because this happens all of the time.

VENT - I'm sick of being DH's whipping post!

Shaman29's picture

DH f**king got pissed at Uberskank and his little princess last night. Guess who he f**king picked a fight with? Guess who got blamed for the fight??

I did NOT sign up for this bulls**t! We have talked about his habit of picking fights with me because he won't confront his ex-slut or his kid.

Then the a**hole has the nerve to act pissy towards ME this morning as well. He picked the fight and I'm the one to blame. F**K HIM!

Our lease is up in October. It's time to save for my own place. I have had it being the scapegoat and whipping post.

Torn on what I should do....

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I have been disengaged from DH's kid (D 15) since the fall of 2008. I let her back into my life briefly a year later after her BM Uberskank became CP again. DH's kid ended up doing a rotten thing to both DH and I over the holidays of 2009. I fully disengaged at that point and haven't looked back. I don't like her, I don't love her, I don't give a crap one way or another.

Grrrrrrrr......DH back to Disney Dad status and I'm Evil SM once again!!

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Let me just say I F**KING hate being a SM!!!! It sucks the big one......

This weekend we agreed to let DH's kid have a friend over for the weekend. DH didn't really want to but I pointed out we had no real plans. Also DH agreed to let her go shopping this weekend and she wanted to bring a friend with her. So....MY IDEA #1.

Lunch with DH's kid

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I blogged last week about DH's kid (D/15 y/o) telling him she a head injury that required an ER visit last week. Between his kid and Uberskank, the story was so bizarre and full of holes that it left him feeling like they were trying to pull another stunt on him. When she tried to convince him she was well enough to travel to our house and see him, he backed up Uberskank and said he would be more comfortable if she didn't travel and rested at home over the weekend.

Update on the smoke screen alert from yesterday

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Yesterday I blogged that Uberskank kept the kid home from school because she was complaining about nausea, dizziness and not eating. When pressed the kid "reminded" Uberskank how some boy elbowed her in the head at a school function the previous Saturday. At that point the kid was taken to the ER where she was diagnosed with brain swelling (doubtful since she wasn't hospitalized), a concussion and given a neck brace.
