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Update on the smoke screen alert from yesterday

Shaman29's picture

Yesterday I blogged that Uberskank kept the kid home from school because she was complaining about nausea, dizziness and not eating. When pressed the kid "reminded" Uberskank how some boy elbowed her in the head at a school function the previous Saturday. At that point the kid was taken to the ER where she was diagnosed with brain swelling (doubtful since she wasn't hospitalized), a concussion and given a neck brace.

The whole story from Wednesday night stank from the get go. Not one part of the story DH got from both Uberskank and his kid made any sense at all. At one point yesterday I suspected the kid was getting a driving lesson from Uberskank and maybe they got into a single car accident. With no insurance, they would have to make up a big story to cover their butts. Or the kid was trying to get an extra day off from school, lied about her symptoms to Uber and then because Uber loves a crisis took her to the ER. Probably before realizing she was being taken for a very expensive ride (ER visit and CT scan).

Anyway.....DH called his kid last night to check in and see how she was feeling. He told me (I was in our office so didn't hear any of the conversation) she would start to get animated, then remember she wasn't feeling good and go back to a monotone. When she started telling him she was fine to come over, he could hear Uberskank in the background saying "You were just in the hospital yesterday. I don't think it's a good idea for you to go anywhere this weekend!" DH said his kid told him Uberskank refused to let her go to her friend's house tonight, that her sisters were home and she really wanted to come over because her little sisters would drive her nuts. DH was still on the fence because he felt like something else was going on, but he wanted to see his kid and was just about to say okay when he heard Uber in the background again. "I really don't think you should be traveling right now. I think it's a bad idea." That settled it for DH. He told his kid, I agree with your mother (did hell freeze over last night?). You were in the ER yesterday, you have a head injury. It's a 1 1/2 hour trip from your house to our house.

DH said the kid was PISSED. He could hear it in her voice. He told her he knows she's upset but considering her injuries, it's just not a good idea for her to be traveling. He offered to take her to lunch on Sunday so they could catch up. She said she'd ask her mom. He told her the decision was for her own good and that he would like to see her on Sunday. She said okay and they hung up.

Later he told me "One or both of them is lying about what has happened over the last few days. I feel like they're both up to something or they're trying to pull another stunt. Either way, I don't want to take the chance on her actually being hurt and risk potential problems this weekend."

I kept my mouth shut on this one. I felt she shouldn't travel and come over either but I didn't want to tell DH not to see his kid. That's his decision. He did look like a huge weight was removed from his shoulders. At any appears the games with them have started again. It's been so long that I actually started relaxing. Looks like the Uberskank crazy crop moved from spring to fall. :evil:


pastepmomof3's picture

Does DH have insurance coverage on SD? If so, he can call the insurance company to find out if any claims were processed. And i thought most orders required the other parent to provide the NCP with any health/medical records (in a timely fashion). I think this would warrant another phonecall from DH to BM - fork over some ER paperwork explaining what happened.

Shaman29's picture

Uberskank has full legal/physical custody which was DH's choice. It's a long, long, long story. And they do not speak any longer. It's texts and emails only. Again....long, long, long story.

His kid is actually on my insurance.:evil: We switched to mine when DH had custody because it saved us $225 a month. I will be checking daily to see if any claims get filed.

However, this whole fiasco isn't going to cost DH a dime. Uberskank still owes him a huge chunk of change for medical expenses when his kid lived with us. She will be stuck paying the entire out of pocket cost for the ER and the CAT scan.

I have a feeling Uberskank figured out too late her kid was lying to get out of school. Because it was an alleged head injury she was kind of forced to see it through. That's probably the reason she kept her home from her friend's house.

Uberskank and DH's kid (D 15 y/o) have been playing games with DH for the last two/three years. All we know is what they choose to tell DH, which is usually a convoluted fairytale full of half-truths to make it plausible. We literally have no way of finding out. And it's just not worth the arguments or going to court.

oneoffour's picture

I get the idea that Uberskank was duped. And now she is playing the concerned parents and SD doesn't like it one bit!

All it takes is reminding her to be VERY careful because she could still have her neck in a fragile condition and one flase move could make her a paraplegic.

Good reason for her NOT to travel for 1/5 hrs!