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Step-demon calls DH because she can't reach UberSkank

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Step-demon (sd14) called DH yesterday afternoon (around 4pm). She was at school and trying to get a hold of UberSkank and her grandmother to pick her up. She told DH she was only getting a busy signal, which is unusual since they both have cell phones. So we assumed service was down in their area or most likely, service was interrupted due to late payment :D. She asked DH if he would call UberSkank and her grandmother or text them because she was at school and needed a ride home.

UGH!! The Princess of Darkness is visiting this weekend!

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Crap! I was hoping she'd come up with some excuse not to show up this weekend. DH's face was white for about a half hour after finding out she's coming over tonight, and he was completely quiet for several hours. He's not happy about her coming over either. The only thing he said about it was "Wonder what I'm going to be extorted for this time".

Let the PAS war begin!

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It has begun.

We have not seen step-demon (SD13) since Father's Day Weekend, and she has not come over on any of her scheduled weekends. DH gets an email from step-demon's email account that was obviously written by UberSkank, stating that she's too busy, has plans or can't come over that particular weekend. She has missed out on her family visits, fun day trips and great BBQ's with our friends.

Last Friday UberSkank sends DH a text stating "I NEED you to BUY step-demon stuff for school. She will be coming over next weekend to see you."


SD13's counselor is terminating their relationship!! A little long........

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So this Wednesday (last day of school for SD13), DH picks her up from school and takes her to her counseling appointment (the day was changed so BM could take and surprise, she backed out!).

DH picks her up and tries to engage SD in conversation during the drive, asking her about the last day of school and did she get phone numbers and emails for her friends here, where we live?

On another note......

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So yesterday afternoon, H gets home from work and SD13's phone (landline, she had her cell taken away months ago) is ringing off the hook. He was wondering why SD didn't tell her friends how to get a hold of her, and picked up the line to let whomever it was know SD13 doesn't live with us any more.


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Wow......last week really sucked! Forgive the long post, you can skip to the end if you'd like. Smile

We were in an Ex-Parte hearing last Thursday. The BM, SD13's attorney and my H and I were present. Let me say right now, Judge Judy (not the real Judy, just my nickname) does not like BM at all. She's impartial and does not play favorites, because she lets H know when he's out of line. The Judge also called in SD's therapist as a witness.

Does the drama ever end?????

Shaman29's picture last Friday BM calls H and asks:

A. Can she pick up SD13 at our home around 5pm, instead of the drop off point?
B. Can she keep her until Monday and bring her to school? She will be bringing SD3's little sister to school and can drop SD13 off.

H asked BM if she would promise SD13 would be in school, because the last time she did this BM kept SD13 with her all day and ran errands instead. BM promised SD13 would be in school. H said okay to both questions.
