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Does the drama ever end?????

Shaman29's picture last Friday BM calls H and asks:

A. Can she pick up SD13 at our home around 5pm, instead of the drop off point?
B. Can she keep her until Monday and bring her to school? She will be bringing SD3's little sister to school and can drop SD13 off.

H asked BM if she would promise SD13 would be in school, because the last time she did this BM kept SD13 with her all day and ran errands instead. BM promised SD13 would be in school. H said okay to both questions.

Yesterday, H got home from work and asked SD13 how school was today. She said she didn't go. What?? He said why not....SD13 said...because I didn't feel like it.


H called BM and said....did you know SD13 didn't go to school. Did you drop her off or not? BM told him she dropped her off in the parking lot then drove away. H said....well our daughter decided she didn't need to go to school and came home instead. BM said...what's the big deal if she misses school??

Disgusted, he then got on SD13 about ditching school all day. I mean yelled (I wasn't there but he said he YELLED!) and then punished her (has to now clean her room, long story but acceptable punishment). SD13 started crying then called her mother. About 10 minutes later SD13 comes out of her room and hands H her phone saying "someone wants to speak to you". That someone was SD13's attorney (Judge Judy appointed an attorney for SD) and she actually reprimanded H for yelling at and disciplining SD.


H in his PC but angry way told her to blow it out her ass! Excuse me, but I have sole custody and my kid skipped school. Last time I checked I'm allowed to yell at and punish my kid for breaking the rules.

We are now penning a letter to Judge Judy about the attorney's interference. It's setting a very bad example for SD13, who now believes it's okay to call her lawyer when Dad is punishing her for bad behavior.

H is furious, I am too. Why oh why can't they just let this shit go?? Seriously, H already agreed to transfer custody later this summer. So why start more trouble?

Thanks for letting me vent because I'm fighting kicking my SD13 square in the ass. As for BM.....I'm grateful there's Karma. Because it's very obvious she is stirring the pot....again. Sad


Anon2009's picture

You mean THE Judge Judy?

livinthedream's picture

When my BS was in his teens I spanked the **** out of him on the butt. He called the cops. At the time my BS was over 6 foot tall. The cops came over & told BS anytime I see fit to spank his butt it is my right! Didnt stop BS from a world of aggravation.

Shaman29's picture

Not the real Judge's just my nickname for the judge that works our case because she is straight forward and doesn't put up with any crap. Smile

Because BM is a PITA, H never lays a finger on SD13. He usually sits her down and talks to her about what she did wrong and why she's being punished. But this year has been non-stop drama, stories and schemes and H has had it. So he yelled.

On H's run today he put together some very valid points and will be sending a letter to Judge Judy requesting she dismiss this attorney and find another for SD13 if she feels it's important that SD have one. He's letting her know he's filing a complaint with the state's bar association too.

Yeah......SD13 hit me twice in the face, once leaving a bruise and the second time taking a piece of skin out of my eyelid. H was still in his ignore it and it will go away mode. I wasn't. So the third time she tried to "play fight" with me and her hand came towards my face, I grabbed her wrist and said "Understand......I have told you twice it's not okay to hit me. If you do it again I will assume you are assaulting me and I will defend myself." She backed down quickly and has not laid a finger on me since.

Never eat more than you can lift.
Miss Piggy

Wicked2Three's picture

I hope you took pictures of your wounds! It may sound silly, but..oh ..uh.. I am flabergahsted! If a stepturd raised a hand to me I would call the police instantly. Holy cow!

LotusFlower's picture

these BMs and WHY oh WHY do they think skipping school, drinking, sex, etc is OK???????????????????....I gotta tell ya....u take a test to get a drivers license, u should have to take one to have a skids CAN be A-B students but it is a constant struggle to motivate becase BM was a drop-out who used to say as long as u just pass everything its great....WTF????????????????

"there are three sides to every story....your side, my side and the truth :)"

jojo71's picture

What the heck kind of reprimanding could an attorney possibly give to a parent for yelling at their kid? Unless it was physical threats, I don't even see what they could say. Even then...gosh I've threatened my kids that I was going to kick their a** several times when they've made me over-the-top attorney would have a hay-day with me! I'm glad your H told her where to put her "reprimands".

HummingBirdHunny's picture

Did SD13 tell her attorney WHY she got yelled at and punished? I hope you have that documented and get a copy of the school attendance for that day showing SD wasn't in school. I would also let the judge know about how BM "claims" she dropped her off in the parking lot then left. My question regarding that though is how did SD13 get home from school? Do you live far from the school? In the future I wouldn't even allow BM to take her to school anymore!