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Shaman29's Blog

Is DH nuts???? A vent - no problems need to be solved.

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DH casually announced (right before dinner) there was a change of plans with his kid's visitation schedule for the first week of the summer.

Hello.....we (me) spent three long nights working out a way to fit 6 weeks of uninterrupted visitation into our summer and now you're changing it? Two days before she's supposed to get here? And you didn't think to give me the courtesy of a heads up?? You just made a decision, without including me, about something that's going to affect me? Hello dumb-ass......haven't we played this idiotic game before???

WTH did I do wrong this time???

Shaman29's picture

Yesterday morning was a good morning. DH and I shared breakfast, coffee and the paper. He started his laundry, we made a tentative menu for dinner because we were having his nephew and a friend of his kid's over later. Then he took his daughter for a haircut and shopping for something she needed. I went and got a pedicure.

And I'm the one who isn't loving or motherly...

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Would someone please tell me why we had to cancel our romantic weekend, dinner at our favorite restaurant and alone time before my husband leaves on an extended business trip? Oh yeah...that's right. Because Mother of the Year is a selfish, self-serving, irresponsible POS.....that's why.

She texts DH on Thursday (before MD Weekend) and tells DH she's dropping their kid off at 7pm. When he texts her back, reminding her it's MD weekend and that supersedes the EOW schedule, he received this response.....

Life a year later.......

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I haven't posted a blog since Christmas.

What a difference a year makes. Coming up on the time when DH's child went back to her mom's.

DH and I rarely argue any more. In fact, I've noticed it happens mostly while his kid is here. And I know why. Because our actions, purchases, future plans and words all get reported back to Uberskank. We end up being so careful about everything while she's here. The longer the visit, the more touchy we become.

YAY!!! Guilt parenting Disney Dad is back in time for Christmas! YAY!!!!

Shaman29's picture

Wow...a post that has nothing to do with step-demon (sd14), who has actually been okay this time around. This has to do with her idiot father, my DH (which today stands for DumbsHit). Seriously DH, I want to borrow a basketball players hands to strangle you! The only reason I can't wait for step-demon to leave is because her "father" is making me crazy. Otherwise, I'd be sorry to see her go back to UberSkank in a few days.

Weekend with Step-demon.....not too bad

Shaman29's picture

First of all....I was hanging out with some friends on Friday night and didn't get home until midnight. It was wonderful not sitting around the house waiting to see if Uber was going to bring step-demon over on time.

Saturday morning, DH gave me the scoop. He must have put the fear of Dog into UberSkank, cause she had step-demon (sd14) call at 7:02pm on Friday to let him know they were on the highway by our house and would be there in a minute. They showed up at 7:15pm. Drop off is supposed to be 7pm, and 9.5 times out of 10 she runs about an hour or more late.
