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porcelian-doll's Blog

She's here!

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She's here and we are finnally home. My beautiful light was born on a beautiful november fourth day. she was born a few weeks early but she is doing great! My life is forever changed. You probably won't see me here often but I do appreciate all the love and support you guys give me. Can you believe it? Porcelian is someone's mom! I had to share the news and now I am going to watch her sleep and enjoy my next five seconds of quiet.


a glimmer of light or a flash in the pan

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Last night DH took the moving van to get the last of the things to our new house leaving SD and I in the new house with some friends setting things up. I was putting some plates away and felt a sharp pain shoot through my stomach that caused me to jerk and drop a plate. SD14 came charging into the kitchen asking me if I was ok. She told me she would clean up the broken clay pieces and I should go lay down. She sent someone in to check on me and she even unpacked my bedding and helped my grandmother make the bed for me.

I can never win

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SD14 had a dance recital and it was a 20's themed event and the guest where asked to dress up. SD14 picked out our outfits. I told her my short black skirt doesn't fit and I may opt for my longer black skirt with the elastic band so I won’t be sitting uncomfortably. I wore a long black skirt paired with a black top with sheer sleeves that she picked out. Took the time to slick my hair into a bun and top it with a feathered hair piece. I even wore a boa.

Should you punish eyerolling

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Just wondering if this is a hill to die on. Everytime I say something SD14 doesn't want to here she rolls her eyes. I made apple pie and told her not to eat all the ice cream because I wanted to use some as topping she slams the freezer and rolls her eyes. when she does things like that should I address it or tell DH to address it or just let it be?

stooped to her level oops.

porcelian-doll's picture

I was eating a cheese burrito for lunch and SD walks by " You know the baby is only going to be 8 pounds", What is that suppose to mean? " Nothing", I only gained twenty pounds and you gain weight when your pregnant that's the name of the game what's your excuse? She gasped and stomped of to her room. I know I should not have stooped to her level its just not easy always taking the high road biting your tounge and being nice when tho other person keeps kicking sand.

Stop Smacking !

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I'm about to lose my head. Trying to eat dinner. Literally had to be picked up out of bed and I waddled to the dinner table trying to have a civilized meal. SD14 won't stop smacking her food. Do you really need to smack pasta stir fry that loud and slurp every bite. I asked politety twice to please stop smacking and chew with your mouth closed and she does it louder on purpose. I waddled myself back to my room with my plate and water. I've had it up to here. DH is having " a talk" with her. I can stilll hear her smacking from my room.

Who is wrong here?

porcelian-doll's picture

I ordered a crib, changing table and portable crib for my daughter. I used some of the money my grandmother gave me at my baby shower. In total I probably spent about 310 dollars after shipping. I told DH I was going to order the crib and stuff to match the swing my aunt got her. We went to our new house and I showed him where I wanted to put in in the nursery and I showed him the picture from the website and he flipped out on me.

Was I in insensitive?

porcelian-doll's picture

SD14 was in my room coming threw my accessory drawer for a scrunchie I said she could borrow. I was on the phone with a friend who couldn't make it to my shower and wanted to congratulate me on the baby. I was saying that my daughter might be an only child because I'm not sure right now if I want more than one child. My exact words where " No, She might be an only child well my only child". Maybe she didn't hear the last part or she just took it the wrong way. I didn't mean it like she is nothing to me I just meant I might not want to get pregnant again.

Advice on bieng a mom

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I have never been someone's mom. I have never really had someone to depend on me. I was an only child, never really had alot of friends and DH was only the third guy I seriously dated. I'm asking myself what am I doing? I'm scared and I don't know how to be a mom. I want to raise her the best way I can and give her everything she could ever need and try to give her most of what she wants. I want her to be the complete and total opossite of SD. I know this sounds silly or stupid but I don't know how to be a mom. I just want to be a good mom.

complications I'm really scared

porcelian-doll's picture

I spent the night in labor and delivery I've been having contractions for the past two days. They didn't cause me to dilate or anything and I'm under strick orders of bed rest and to drink lots of fluids. I'm 30 weeks this is my first pregnancy and I'm really scared they wil start up again. I was doing my breathing excersises with DH and my midwife over the phone last night and my contractions stopped. I couldn't sleep at all. I'm shaking and I have this really heavy sharp vaginal pains. Please has anyone esle been through this? I can't rest I'm bracing myself for the worst.
