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porcelian-doll's Blog

SD14's Diary

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I know maybe should not have read it. But She left it open on her dresser from the last time she was here to a page entitled "Top 25 reasons I hate my dad's wife". So I picked it up and read her stupid reasons for hating me and then I flipped the page and there was a really disturbing sentence saying “I want to use my BF's sausage as my tampon". That made me sick and I stopped reading. I am not going to say anything to DH about it, seeing as there has been enough drama with BM and SD lately I am not going to stir the pot.

Biggest trouble makers on steptalk

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I have only been here for a short time and I am a bit curious. Have there been any major trouble makers on steptalk. Like BMs pretending to be stepmoms. Outrages Stepmoms. Stories to crazy to be true. Heart breaking stories. Just wackos. And what happens if some crazy does come on steptalk do they get booted off? Just curios because the other day I saw a post about someone named -two angles- that was a nut job and wanted to hurt a disabled child. I don't know the whole story that was just what I was told. And it got me to wondering how many other crazies have been on steptalk.

SD trying to make me break my disengagement by pissing me off

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SD14 has a photo album that BM gave her so. SD14 went and changed all the pics in my picture frames in the family room to pics of BM and DH's wedding. And she took all the pics down of my family and tapped some pics on the wall of her DH and BM when she was little. DH and I woke up to this crap and he took them down and told SD now she is not getting her electronics back for a month. I went out for brunch with some friends and came home to do my laundry and when I started folding I realized all of my romantic undergarments and thongs were missing.

Me disengaging and overhearing SD14 Bitch while I laugh lol lol lol hah hah ha !

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SD came to see her room stripped of all electronics. And DH scolding her for stealing my netfilx password and adding a DVD account. Her screaming " Whyyyyyyy did u take my stuff out of my room that's why I hate it here dad you pick her side all the time!". She acts like she is in denial she did anything wrong. Probably because BM is in denial she did anything wrong. I hear SD screaming she does not want to come here anymore and slamming her door. Now she is crying annoyingly loud as if she were a toddler. And I'm loving it because she deserves to be punished for once.

Don't want the little turd at my house after stealing my netflix

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After finding out last night that SD got my Netflix password and her and BM ordered a DVD account on it I do not want to see her face. I am still highly upset. I still can't believe BM had the testicles to ask to keep the Netflix. DH hasn’t told hasn't told SD this yet. But we have removed the TV, laptop, and radio from her room. She will be grounded from the time she gets her tonight until the weekend is up. But if we tell her she will try to stay at BM's house and not want to come. And BM doesn't think she did anything wrong.
