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justme2's Blog

What a show off

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So the sk's mom is getting married today. She is having a big wedding - the boys are in their tuxes all handsome, and excited about a limo ride tonight after the festivities. So why do I care? It makes me so mad that I had to go away and get married - a simple affordable (romantic) ceremony - because she left us with debt up to our ears. She left us with house that was 5 months behind that we have been trying to get caught up with. She had a car repoed that my husband co-signed for when they were married.

So much for a fun family outing

justme2's picture

My work gave us tickets to a local baseball game. It was suppose to be a family fun night kind of thing. I got tickets for lil SS who kept talking about how excited he was because the older ss and his girlfriend were going with us. It was suppose to be fun and relaxing. Well last weekend lil ss went to beach with mom's bestfriend and her son. So this weekend she says is her weekend and she and her "new family" (Her fiance and 2 kids) are going to her friends house. I and my husband are being totally ditched! I told my husband he was going to have to stand up when it was his weekend.

Why does the PAS bother me more than him?

justme2's picture

My husband has been taking his kids (my skids) to play b-ball at the local Y. He has been doing this for about two weeks. He has even taken the BM's nephew since he is living with them now since her mom has passed and the teen's mom lives in another state. Anyway - the skids have gone to play ball and have fun. All of a sudden it has stopped for about a week. I didn't know why. My Hubby said they are probably tired or something.

Totally off subject but desperatly need advice

justme2's picture

Ok this is off the subject of sp, but I need advice bad. My sister is beyond psycho! She was just diagnosed as being bi-polar - but has been for years - they just now diagnosed her. Anyway the problem is that she is oding on her meds. She has 3 kids 7, 4 & 2. She wants her husband to move out. He's the one taking care of the kids but admitted he really doesn't want to - he's tired and burned out. Anyhow - when you go over to house, it is filthy! There are trashbags of trash in the living room & kitchen. Dirty dishes everywhere.

OMG I need a voodoo spell! }:-)

justme2's picture

MY FH and I had our wedding planned for over a year to get married on Sept 7 and hold our reception on Sept 19 with a unity ceremony with his boys since we were elloping.
Well we "officially" became engaged 2 days before Valentine's day. A month later his ex becomes engaged. (She hasn't even dated the guy for a year)
Well all of a sudden a month later she decides she's getting married on Sept 19th!

Should I follow Doctor's Advice

justme2's picture

I recently went to my Dr for my annual check up. She is an excellent Dr and wanted to know how everything was going in my life. I told her of my plans to get married and how he has sons. She asked how that went and I totally vented to her! She suggested that we go through counseling before we get married. Some of the issues I have is how I have no say in the ss's behaviors or actions. I am responsible for watching them and taking caring of them. However, I am not allowed to discipline them in anyway. I will catch them with food and drinks upstairs which is a big NO NO..

Am I being too Jealous

justme2's picture

My fiance (we are due to get married at the end of the month) is too nice to his ex-wife. He lets her control when the children come over. He agreed with whatever was in the divorce papers. She was suppose to get the house and the automobile with the smallest and shortest payoff. She didn't pay on the house or the car. The car was repoed and the house was about to go into foreclosure last year (she was over 4 months behind). We stepped in and have been trying to get the house caught up. He has not held her responsible for any of the back payment.