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What a show off

justme2's picture

So the sk's mom is getting married today. She is having a big wedding - the boys are in their tuxes all handsome, and excited about a limo ride tonight after the festivities. So why do I care? It makes me so mad that I had to go away and get married - a simple affordable (romantic) ceremony - because she left us with debt up to our ears. She left us with house that was 5 months behind that we have been trying to get caught up with. She had a car repoed that my husband co-signed for when they were married. Here we are struggling to make ends meet and stay above the water and she can go out splurge on a fancy wedding - it's wedding # 3. This was my first wedding! We couldn't even afford a reception!
So am I jealous? I don't want the step boys to see me pissed at her - but I can't help it.
At first we were suppose to keep the kids because she was going on a honeymoon. Then yesterday we were told she wasn't going. Now she just textes my husband and wants to know if we can get them till Tuesday. I'm sick with a cold and he is too. We haven't seen the kids in weeks - she always had something going on and they couldn't come over.
I told my husband I don't think we should keep them. That if she had told us earlier - it wouldn't of been a problem - but today at the last minute? Also the 12 year old doesn't have a way to school. His mom takes him in the am and I have to be at work way before school even starts. The bus can't pick him up - because the bus driver doesn't know to. Well my husband said he is not going to tell his kids they can not come over. That if they want to they can. So I guess I lost that vote - again.
My husband and I went to the beach to get married. My husband spent the day of and the day after our wedding with the boys while I was chillin in the room by myself. The plans were to go to the beach - just the two of us. Every time we go the bm has to go at the same time. So I couldn't tell my family or anyone. Somehow he must of slipped -because she was at the beach with the boys the same week at at the same beach - not even 2 miles from where we stay. Therefore, it wasn't a romantic honeymoon - it was me by myself on the beach or in my room while he was out with the boys fishing...
Ok so maybe I am PMSing... Help... I need some comfort and words....


starfish's picture

everything you are feeling is totally justifiable............ i would be MAD MAD MAD and no way i hell would i keep the skids at her convenience........ don't let it happen... ... or try not to.........

i'm sorry it's not such comforting words ---- but this is the life of a SM.... have a screw driver ---- vodka will kill the cold germs and the vitamin c in the oj will help you heal....maybe not, but that's my theory....

BMJen's picture

I'm sure that the BM didn't "plan" on ruining any of your plans. She is just planning her wedding ya know. I know it sucks to not be able to have a wedding. I know you blame her for that, but really the wedding is just that, her wedding, to her anyways. She doesn't hold a single one of these thoughts that you have in her head, why let her wedding get to you?

I've always said, it's not the wedding that matters, it's the marriage. And it sounds as if you have a damn fine one. Don't let her enter your brain, you sure aren't in hers, KWIM?