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OMG I need a voodoo spell! }:-)

justme2's picture

MY FH and I had our wedding planned for over a year to get married on Sept 7 and hold our reception on Sept 19 with a unity ceremony with his boys since we were elloping.
Well we "officially" became engaged 2 days before Valentine's day. A month later his ex becomes engaged. (She hasn't even dated the guy for a year)
Well all of a sudden a month later she decides she's getting married on Sept 19th!
So with much discuss we decide to re-arrange our plans. We finally settled on July 30th at the beach. We were hoping she wouldn't find out because the last 2 times we've been to the beach this year - she's had to go down to the same beach. We went for my SS birthday. She had to go the same weekend. We decided to go down for Father's day and she decided she had to go down the same weekend with my ss - so my FH didn't get to spend Father's day with his son for the 2nd year in a row (despite the fact that in the separation agreement the parent is suppose to have the child on Mother's day or Father's day weekend)
So we have kept our wedding plans secret. I haven't even told my family because we didn't want anyone to find out. I don't know if my ex slipped somehow or what - but all of a sudden she's going to the beach next week, too!
The loathe the woman! My FH says she's competitive and always has to keep up with everybody and try to out do them. He says she was like that with her best friend - when they were best friends. My words to him - "Well she's not my friend so she needs to leave me the h*** alone and stop shadowing me."
This woman is a nightmare. She let the house they had together go into foreclosure (didn't pay over 4 months) - even though she was suppose to put the house in her name. Originally they were planning to sale - but she decided since I was spending the night with him some in the house - she wanted it back. So then after about a year - she just doesn't pay.
Oh if that doesn't put the icing on the cake - the roof is really bad! She took out an insurance claim on it and then blew the money on going to the beach and buying whatever she wanted - instead of getting the roof repaired. Now we are stuck with a higher deduction and a horrible roof!
Oh and there is more! She decides to move into a house just 1 street over from us. It is a rent house - in which is paying more for a month then what she was suppose to be paying on the mortage! She isn't allowed to have dogs - so we took in the boys' dog so they could still see him. She agreed to pay vet bills, food and grooming - haven't seen a dime yet! I even had to get rid of my dog because there were too many dogs in the house (with hers it made 3).
Oh and next weekend she conveniently receives the cs - hhmmm... can I talk him into giving it to her upon our return on Monday since we were out of town!
Sorry this is soo long but I needed to vent! Any suggestions on how I could put a voodo spell on her so that I can have one peaceful beach weekend and a nice wedding without having to worry about running into the shadow?


Jbee27's picture

like one psycho hose beast!
If she shows up at your wedding, call the cops or something. I know she hasn't threatened anything, but I wish there was a way to take out restraining orders on psycho BM's.

Rosedeer1's picture

I actually had to take out an order of protection against my BM and then she broke it. She did threaten me and that is how I got the first one, so it goes without saying she hates me and I have had her arressted 2 times and would do it again given the chance, hang in there honey!!!