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Freedom2005's Blog

Victory is Mine!!!!

Freedom2005's picture

Ok, so I shared a few weeks ago that I was upset that BF was sleeping in the same bed as SD10 when they were out of town at Thanksgiving.

I kept it under my hat until we had our counseling.

I talked to the counselor first, she agreed, SD10 should not be sleeping with her father just because I am not there. It is just setting us up to be adversaries. Also, she should not sleep with her 13 year old brother either. In fact, she is old enough now (and has been honestly) that she should not sleep in a bed with a male no matter the age (unless very much younger).

Christmas traditions.... which 'family'?

Freedom2005's picture

Ya know, we all go through such highs and lows sometimes. I went through a low being alone on Thanksgiving, I am much better now.

Since all 4 of the kids between BF and I live with us most of the time, it seems there is a stronger bond between the kids. They really see each other as siblings. It just amazes me how much this is so. Now, there is the natural "this is MY Dad and MY Mom" not to mention they don't expect to go to the other parent's houses. Otherwise, we actually do very well.

It could be because of the holidays, this blue mood....

Freedom2005's picture

BF went out of state for Thanksgiving, my family is out of state and I had to work.


Been blue for a little over a week now, so then aunt flo comes for a visit.... just pour salt on my already open wound of being alone... but PAIN and all the other lovely symptoms involved.

Then I call BF yesterday morning. I did not think I would have woke him up, but I did. I am talking to him and they I hear something like a "coo" in the background.

"Who are you with?" I ask.

"SS10 is in bed with me, why?" He stated.


When did I become so content?

Freedom2005's picture

Last night I was having trouble sleeping, but I noticed that I was still calm. Usually my insomnia makes me angry. Since I work nights, I get so little time with my family. I get so little time to split between my girls, my BF and his kids... and my BF! LOL

Last night I curled up next to BF and just marveled in the fact that I was content to just be next to his warmth. That all the kids were snug in thier beds happy with full bellies of dinner that I made.

A family. It makes me so happy.

Interesting turn of events... Hospital Time

Freedom2005's picture

SD10 went into the hospital this week. It was tragic, a really bad asthma attack.

However, BF got an interesting view from this. He took off work to stay with her, so he was with her every hour. She was in a children's hospital and everything was about "making them feel special"

He had called me and asked me to bring them some stuff. I took it all to him with no question, I was worried about her too. I stayed for 3 hours and the whole time, she was engaged in some kind of activity with the staff or in the "play room"

This is why I am a "Stepmom"

Freedom2005's picture

So many times we hear how hard it is to be a Stepmom. I am even only a girlfriend technically, but sometimes, like tonight, I know I am making a huge impact in their lives. That I am so happy to be a part of it. That I am so happy to be in a relationship that is STILL better than I was married into before. I, that wanted NO kids before, am so happy to be around 4 of them!

Things Going Great!

Freedom2005's picture

Ok, so BF is spending more time with SS12; BF is calmer because he got some over time (money freaks him out); BF is going to counselor on a regular basis!

This morning he called from work and wanted to talk about 'some things that the counselor suggested'


So I listened. I liked all of the suggestions. All of them point to a closer "us".

Quiet... is nice!

Freedom2005's picture

So, things have been quiet for me and my home for a few weeks. Not to many complaints. Well, I came up with a few, and when I talked to BF about them.... well, I got a different perspective.

When he told me that I was just finding things to fight about and I should just relax... "it is OK if the dishes don't get done EVERY night!!"

I took a day or 2 to think about it. It was a good thing. I understand why I am doing it now after talking to the counselor...

Guess you can't have it all....

Freedom2005's picture

Sure, things are getting better, but now I see that BF is lazing about while I am at work. Baloney sandwiches for dinner. He is asleep when I go home for lunch (9 pm or so) and the kids are still up and running between rooms.

Dishes are not done, stuff on the kitchen table, it just never ends.

Between room-mate and spouse, yeah... that is where I am. I can't complain, but I pay to live there.

Maybe I am just down since it is "Aunt Flo's" visit.

More Movement!!! SS12 Watching TV with BF!

Freedom2005's picture

So, up until tonight, most of the time I go home for lunch, I find BF with SD10 in OUR bedroom watching TV together. I have been very worried about SS12 because he is ALWAYS in his room by himself. I know, pre-pubecent child, normal behavior. When I talk to him though, he wants to spend time with his dad, but SD10 is always there hogging the show.

Tonight!!! Wow!!! Just SS12 and BF watching a movie.
