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When did I become so content?

Freedom2005's picture

Last night I was having trouble sleeping, but I noticed that I was still calm. Usually my insomnia makes me angry. Since I work nights, I get so little time with my family. I get so little time to split between my girls, my BF and his kids... and my BF! LOL

Last night I curled up next to BF and just marveled in the fact that I was content to just be next to his warmth. That all the kids were snug in thier beds happy with full bellies of dinner that I made.

A family. It makes me so happy.

Are there problems, sure, but all families have them. All kids have growing pains, and they are FAR from perfect (no matter how much we want them to be.) I am beginning to love my skids as much as my own. I am seeing BF interacting more with my kids. We are getting more settled in the house we have been in for 6 months. It is all falling together.

Sometimes, there is conflict. Kid issues, like SD10 taking 1/2 and hour to eat breakfast this morning. I had no qualms about just saying, "do you really think it should take that long to eat?" It drives me crazy. She takes forever to eat so she can spend more time with Daddy. He will stay at the table to wait for her to finish. So I began to stay! LOL My own girls have behaviors that make me crazy as well. Someone on this site stated that as a Step, we see things differently than a parent does. I would have to agree with this. I try to keep it in mind when I say something to my skids.

After all the issues we have had, today at least, I am mostly at peace. An unusual feeling. I am trying to just accept it. Just live my life, take care of a problem instead of getting bent out of shape.

Course I could be wrong, I did just get my anxiety meds increased }:)

However, I do see things clearer I think!

Life is good, for today!


Kb3Hooah's picture

Last night I curled up next to BF and just marveled in the fact that I was content to just be next to his warmth. That all the kids were snug in thier beds happy with full bellies of dinner that I made.

---------> I did the exact same thing! Long story short, I was upset about Thanksgiving plans not working out the way that they were 'supposed' to and having to figure out a work around so that I could spend time with my Dad, now that my Mother has passed, making sure I am with my Dad and he's not alone is very important to me...anyways, BF comforted me, yes, BF!!...he said "Everything will work out Baby, I don't wanna see you upset" I laid my head on his chest and he kissed me on top of the head and put his arm around me.

THIS is what makes me feel peaceful and loved! Smile

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