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Elizabeth's Blog

And why would I WANT to?!

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Have been trying to organize/purge our lives. We moved to this state one year ago. Going through boxes in our garage and found tons of stuff he kept from his former wife (not BM, he was married once between BM and me). Pictures of her, cards and letters she'd written, etc. I threw away the cards and crap but didn't do anything with the pictures. I told him that night they were still there and I needed him to do something with them. Why the hell did we move boxes of former wife memorabilia with us from one state to another? That is ridiculous.

I need help

Elizabeth's picture

How do you let things go that happened in the past but you never received closure on them and never will.

I will give an example. I was out of town with youngest BD for a few days. Came home and DH informed me that oldest BD (age 10) called him a jerk. He told her that if she did it again, he would spank her.

It's just a gut reaction, I can't help it

Elizabeth's picture

So last night DH and I were cuddled up in bed talking, something we don't do much because we go to bed at different times and haven't been getting along all that great lately. So what does he do but almost immediately bring up SD20 and his plan to travel to her college for family day or parent day or some such thing. So I tell him he'll be traveling alone and he gets all pissy. Oldest BD is a cheerleader and when we signed her up one of the agreements we made was that she wouldn't miss any games.

I seriously wonder if SD20 has any functioning cells in that "brain" of hers

Elizabeth's picture

So she is driving down to our neck of the woods to stay in a hotel DH is paying for. What does she post online publicly? A photo of the cooler full of alcohol she and her friend are bringing along. Considering that it is on ice and it is a 5-hour drive, I am guessing she and friend plan to be drinking while they are driving. SD is underage, so alcohol consumption is illegal last time I checked, AND last time I checked it was also illegal to drive around with an open container of alcohol? What. An. Idiot.

Son of a beep, SD20 is bringing a friend for her visit

Elizabeth's picture

This is actually a female friend and not nasty skanky ex (I think) boyfriend, but still...

Put on your big girl panties SD20 and drive down to see your father, grandparents, and little half-sisters without bringing along a friend for moral support. So how much time do you think SD20 will actually spend with "family" given none of us have ever met this friend and she probably does NOT want to spend a weekend staring at DH, DH's family and our kids?

And this is AFTER DH texted SD20 and told her she was to come ALONE. Sheesh.

I so love dragging info out of DH when it comes to SD20

Elizabeth's picture

I'm sure others of you experience this, where you aren't told anything about the stepkid(s) unless you literally drag it out of your spouse.

Not that I care, I only care when it relates to my two BDs, like this weekend. SD20 will be coming down, DH is putting her up in a hotel. So I finally last night ask what plans are, and he wants to know why I want to know. Um, it involves MY kids, so I want and have a right to know.
