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Waiting to see if SD21 even realizes it's DH's birthday

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So DH birthday is today. Our two BDs woke him up and sang happy birthday song to him. I made him breakfast in bed. He works tonight so kids and I will make him a cake, then we are officially celebrating tomorrow.

I am waiting to see if SD even pulls her head out of her as* long enough to realize today is his birthday and actually acknowledge it. She hasn't in the past, I keep expecting her to grow up just a bit. We'll see.

Odd, just thought I'd share

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DH had a couple of days off last week and wanted to go back to the town we moved from to see friends. It's a four-hour drive. Our BDs were also off school, so I suggested he take them along. Our old town is less than an hour from SD21, and she'd just had her birthday, so I was sure he wanted to see SD21. I even brought it up to him that he should see her while he was there. He said he would see if she was willing to make the less than 1 hour drive to see him.

Guess what?! Anybody, anybody.

OT: Need some parenting advice

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This is about BD10.

She got an ipad mini for Christmas, was over the moon excited, has used it a ton. Some time after she got it, DH and I had separate conversations with BD10 (I wasn't aware DH had talked to her about this) in which I stated it was not to be taken to school and DH said it was fine to take it to school.

Last night I pick BD10 up from daycare, she's upset, hands me an apology note that explains that she took the ipad to school (in its case) and a kid accidentally knocked it off her desk with their backpack and the screen broke.

Is it possible for SD20 to remain perpetually a child?

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I think this is finally on DH's mind, hope he arrives at some constructive conclusion but I'm not holding my breath.

SD20 is in her third year of college. She spent one year at one college, then wanted to drop out and enter a vocational program. DH convinced her to stay in college but she transferred to a college in BM's town. SD has now spent two years there, is not that much closer to graduating, and has been posting about how this is her last semester at that school, so either she is planning to transfer again or drop out.

My dad nearly got himself slapped this weekend

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Took my parents school pictures of BD10, my dad is looking at it and covering her nose and mouth, so I say, "Who does she look like?" Because really BD10 is a mix of DH and I. My dad says, "Well, I guess her dad because she looks like SD20." Yep, I almost slapped him, comparing my baby to SD20.

Yes, this is a rant about DH

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Have to get it out here so I don't go crazy all over him in real life.

As long as I have known DH, he's had this weird thing about celebrating SD's half-birthday. No idea why, I didn't realize that was such a major milestone.

Our two BDs? He doesn't even notice. So youngest BD had her half-birthday in December, DH didn't even know it. Oldest BD just had her half-birthday a couple of days ago, again, nothing.

DH rewrites history in his head ALL ... THE ... TIME

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Gah! DH and I got on the topic of teeth and braces because he wants BD10 to have them and I'm not sure she needs them. SD HAD to have braces because she had two teeth out of alignment far back in her mouth where they couldn't even be seen. I am being facetious about the HAD, she wanted them and DH wanted her to have them.

DH and his "other woman"

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DH made plans to drive back to our old town (about four hours away) to see a friend for his birthday. DH asked my parents if he could spend the night at their house, which is about midway between our town and friend's town. They were touched, as the last few times I have gone to see them DH has been unable to come along because of work, they were glad he wanted to see them.
