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Elizabeth's Blog

Guilty daddy rears his ugly head

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So SD20 calls last night at 10:20. DH usually goes to bed about 9:30. I hear him answer from the bedroom, and I know from his end of the conversation that it is SD20. She wants to know something regarding the new iphone she bought last month. Evidently her old, perfectly fine iphone wasn't good enough and she needed an upgrade. DH asks her what she paid ($99) and tells her she got screwed. Then he says, "I wish you would have let me know. I would have loaned you the money." Guilty daddy is here! Yay!

SD20 continues to try to hone in on my family

Elizabeth's picture

I can't figure out her angle here. When my nieces were little, DH and I used to keep them quite a bit and so they spent time with SD. She is right in the middle of their ages. But once my brother moved the family an hour away, I rarely heard from nieces. Then SD moved in with BM five years ago, that should have been the end of it, right? Wrong, evidently.

Do you consider stepkids part of "your" family?

Elizabeth's picture

I had to write a bio up for work about myself, my work experiences, my personal life. Without even thinking about it, I wrote I had a husband and two kids (our two bios together). I didn't even consider SD20, she never crossed my mind. I sent the bio to DH to see what he thought, and that is when I realized I didn't include SD. Now I'm wondering if he will be mad/upset. He knows how I feel about her (disdain mostly).

So do the rest of you consider your stepkids a part of your family?

DH lets slip an interesting tidbit

Elizabeth's picture

I discovered DH posted something on Facebook that I personally disagree with and wouldn't want my family to see. So I asked him about it. Never asked him to delete it or his feelings, just explained my point of view and asked for his. It was actually a very interesting discussion. In the end we agreed each was entitled to his own feelings.

How old is too old to give daddy a Christmas wish list?

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I am anticipating this any day now from SD20, so I am just curious. Last year she included a few very inexpensive items, then, at the bottom, what she really wanted: Ugg boots.

Am I crazy in thinking that once you are an "adult," you stop giving daddy a list of things to buy you?

How much help do you give your college-aged kid?

Elizabeth's picture

DH and BM went back to court when SD was 15, and both were ordered to pay 1/3 of SD's college costs up until she turns 21. DH has been doing this and more faithfully ever since, but SD20 totally takes advantage of it in my opinion. For example, she buys books at full price rather than used, then DH feels sorry for her and pays his 1/3 plus her 1/3. There were two books alone this semester at $225 a pop! Or she decided to take summer school classes and HAD to live in the dorms to do that, despite her college being in the same town as both BM and BM's mom.

DH told me last night that SD20 is my legal dependent

Elizabeth's picture

Ha ha ha, um, no.

We were discussing the insurance issue. Turns out BM covers SD20 on her insurance and SD20 doesn't use DH's insurance, maybe just a couple of times for vision coverage. So covering her would be an unnecessary extra expense for something she doesn't use.

We talked about covering DH on my insurance, as we already cover our two BDs on mine because DH's is so bad. So he says, "Why can't you just cover SD20 on your insurance?"

Just a vent, covering SD20 on DH's insurance

Elizabeth's picture

So DH comes home this weekend and informs me his work is having open enrollment for medical insurance. Frankly, his insurance sucks. He is having me look into getting him covered on my insurance, it is that bad. Then he tells me that he can either get coverage for himself (individual) or for the entire family (covering one kid costs the same as covering all of them). Here's where it gets sticky.
