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DH is SO FAR in denial, he may never come back

Elizabeth's picture

So, SD20 came down to visit DH for a long weekend. Brought a cooler full of alcohol despite being underaged, posted a photo of the contents online.

SD20 also took one night of her visit to go to a casino and a strip club. Daddy's little girl!

So he's telling me how he talked to SD20 about not using the money he gives her to buy alcohol. Um, whatever buddy. I inform him she:
A. Brought alcohol along, which she had to use his money to buy as she's not working
B. Went to a casino, where I'm sure she drank alcohol and had to have a fake ID to get in
C. Went to a strip club, where again I'm sure she drank alcohol and had to have a fake ID.

He said he asked her about the fake ID and she said she didn't have one. Lie.

Then he says (denial part coming) that maybe SD20 only posts those things online to get to me. As in she's not really doing them, she's just trying to bug me by "saying" she's doing them.

Oh DH, I've seen the pictures, I've seen the verifying posts from the people she accompanied on these little excursions. But if you have to justify it in your head by making yourself believe the posts are a joke, you go right ahead.


DaizyDuke's picture

Wow.. I think he is seriously too far gone. Does he really, truly believe that horse crap she is feeding him? And now he thinks that SD is putting stuff on the worldwide web "just to bug Elizabeth" either way it makes her a freak. I mean who takes the time to take "fake" pictures and make "fake" FB and twitter posts just to bug someone?? I mean I get that she is 20, she's into partying and what have you, but it's just dumb of your DH to deny it.

Your DH continues to be delusional. I suspect he'll be under the SD spell for some time to come since he had such wonderful quality time with the Princess this weekend. Sad

Elizabeth's picture

I don't think he "truly" believes it, but I think he can't face the truth of how his daughter has turned out. I truly think he has no clue how to parent and he thought being SD20's BFF and letting her do whatever she wanted would be the perfect way to do it. He's learning differently now, so he's not that way with our BDs (never mind the fact that I won't let him raise them the way he raised SD). But I think he "still" feels sorry for her, being a "child of divorce" and all.

thinkthrice's picture

The only way DH will ever get out of his Guilty mode is if he assumes room temperature.

Even if spoiled rotten boozer SD20 decides to have a gang of her friends rob and kill DH, he will go to his grave saying "it wasn't my precious angel cakes that did this to me."

Sad, shocking and true.

Elizabeth's picture

I've said that before! SD20 could go on a mass killing spree and I honestly think DH would blame the victims for making SD20 mad/forcing her to do what she did. He sure wouldn't hold anything against HER!

princessmofo's picture


So what'll it take to lift the veil of denial? Will she have to team up with Charles Manson and his followers?

Sad. I feel for you.