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Grrrr, DH ends his short streak (about one month) of attempting to be a parent

Elizabeth's picture

Back to coddling SD20 he is. Maybe I'm just surprised he lasted as long as he did? Apparently SD20 needs to be given $100 by DH to properly enjoy the long weekend. Cause she can't fund her own activities at age 20?! And apparently SD20 needs to be given access to OUR Netflix account that WE pay for so she can pirate movies. Keep in mind she lives 5 hours from us in a different state.

Oh, and somebody posted a picture of SD20 changing a baby's diaper and said it was practice cause she's gonna need it.


Elizabeth's picture

Anything's possible considering the boyfriend has SIX kids with FOUR women. And considering he has posted that they don't use condoms.

Anne Boleyn's picture

I don't think letting your young adult kid use your Netflix account is a big deal. Most kids that age have little cash. And it doesn't hurt you in anyway.

Elizabeth's picture

I wouldn't have a problem with it if she lived with us, but she's nowhere near. You also cannot stream more than two videos simultaneously and DH might be watching a video on his laptop while the kids want to watch one on the Nook or I want to watch one on the TV. I occasionally get notices we've got too many accounts open and I can't watch what I want, and now I know why.

z3girl's picture

DH gives SD22 $40-$60 every single time she shows up as gas money. I feel like he pays her to visit. But I can't get angry at her for it since it's all his doing. Annoying as hell.

Elizabeth's picture

You're right, this is DH's doing. I'm only mad at SD20 because she posts and brags about it. Plus she knows how to manipulate him and doesn't openly ask for money, so he "thinks" it's his idea. She's posted bragging about how DH isn't the only middle-aged man who gives her money, and I don't even want to KNOW what she's referring to. Sad

RedWingsFan's picture

She's 20 - that means she's an adult. She doesn't need a daddy anymore to take care of her. She needs to take care of herself, period.

Elizabeth's picture

Frankly, that's my issue more than anything. Grow up, put your big girl panties on, stop using daddy every time you want something. You can afford multiple pairs of $39 and $49 Victoria's Secret sweat pants, use that and get your own Netflix account. You drink alcohol EVERY STINKING DAY. Use that money for your Memorial Day festivities, not daddy.