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Elizabeth's Blog

Ha ha ha ha, score

Elizabeth's picture

SD20 just posted that her manager told her she doesn't have any friends because she is so mean.

See, I'm not the only one who can't get along with SD20. She's been fired once but somehow got hired back. They don't schedule her many hours now, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's fired again soon.

Grrrr, DH ends his short streak (about one month) of attempting to be a parent

Elizabeth's picture

Back to coddling SD20 he is. Maybe I'm just surprised he lasted as long as he did? Apparently SD20 needs to be given $100 by DH to properly enjoy the long weekend. Cause she can't fund her own activities at age 20?! And apparently SD20 needs to be given access to OUR Netflix account that WE pay for so she can pirate movies. Keep in mind she lives 5 hours from us in a different state.

Oh, and somebody posted a picture of SD20 changing a baby's diaper and said it was practice cause she's gonna need it.

Well played SD20, well played

Elizabeth's picture

Background: DH hasn't given SD20 money for a while (as far as I know). This is very unusual. She decided to live in the dorms over summer and take classes, and DH told her he wasn't paying for dorms because it is not necessary (her college is in same town where BM and BM's mom live). So SD said she'd pay for dorms herself. So far he has stood by what he said. Well, SD20 got fired once from her job and rehired, I think just from being in the right place at the right time.

OT but need help from anyone with legal background

Elizabeth's picture

How can I deal with a situation where I know with absolutely certainty that is a child is being neglected and this neglect absolutely constitutes abuse BUT the parents are hiding behind religious freedom? The parents have been investigated, but the state says the neglect doesn't rise to the level that they will do something. In my opinion, this is bullsh&t. This child cannot walk properly because of a condition that could be treated but the parents don't treat it because in my opinion they are too lazy and have other "normal" kids they focus their time and attention on.

SD20 continues to be a taker, not a giver

Elizabeth's picture

All of her posts online yesterday relate to her and what she got. Not a word about what she got BM or BM's mom, whom she spends a lot of time with. But posts about how BM got SD a gift for Mother's Day (eek, hope there's no hidden meaning there) and BM's mom bought SD's favorite kind of cake for Mother's Day. Did you all know Mother's Day is a gift-getting holiday for your stepkids?!

Ugh, SD20 is SO trashy

Elizabeth's picture

Her boyfriend is 26 with six kids with four women. You can imagine these kids don't get to spend a great deal of time with him. So he's posting online a photo of Sunday morning in daddy's bed. Who's in there? SD20 and three of this guy's kids. Are you kidding me?!

They've only been dating for 4.5 months. WHY does she have to spend the night with him when he has his kids? Isn't that a GREAT example for them? Clearly she only cares about herself and how much time SHE can spend with him. I just find the whole situation gross.

Damn damn damn I was right

Elizabeth's picture

Had lunch with DH today and asked about SD20. I almost never do that. I asked about her grades and he says she is keeping them up. Said she had one A and he was so pleased by that, so that gives you an idea of what "up" is in regard to his expectations.

But he also said, drum roll please, SD20 intends to take summer classes. I asked if she plans to live with BM and he said, another drum roll please, she is going to live in the dorm. Hmmm, big surprise.

I foresee problems with SD20 on the horizon

Elizabeth's picture

Let me explain. SD20 is in sophomore year of college. She went one year to a college about 45 minutes away from BM, 1.5 hours away from us. She didn't like it, moved back to BM's town to go to college there. Is now finishing up her second year. Has this boyfriend since December who is a real piece of work. Is 26 (SD was 19 when they started dating) and has six kids with four women. Is on probation for assault. Is bragging online about not having to wear a condom because he's with someone he "likes." Ick.

Fun blog: Can your stepkids be mistaken as your own?

Elizabeth's picture

Somebody brought up a while back about whether or not stepkids look like them and if they could be mistaken for their own kids when they are out and about.

Unfortunately for me, SD20 looked like she could be my mixed-race child, as we both have long dark hair, only I am pale as a ghost and she's so dark her legs are nearly black (not exaggerating, when she was younger and wearing a long black shirt you could barely tell where her legs ended and the shirt began). Plus, BM and I are only a year apart in age so it's totally reasonable I could have a child that age.
