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I so love dragging info out of DH when it comes to SD20

Elizabeth's picture

I'm sure others of you experience this, where you aren't told anything about the stepkid(s) unless you literally drag it out of your spouse.

Not that I care, I only care when it relates to my two BDs, like this weekend. SD20 will be coming down, DH is putting her up in a hotel. So I finally last night ask what plans are, and he wants to know why I want to know. Um, it involves MY kids, so I want and have a right to know.

So he first informs me he is going to run off and see SD20 where she is staying (near his parents) on Friday. Our biokids will be in school. Fine. Except, DH usually picks them up from daycare Friday afternoon, so when I say I will pick them up he's like, "Oh, I didn't think of that." See, that's "why" I need to know.

Then he informs me that SD20 may "turn up" at the place oldest BD will be on Saturday (DH works Saturday and I told him I would NOT take our biokids to see SD20). Wouldn't it be great if she just showed up? Not!

Sunday he is taking biokids to see SD20, fine and dandy with me, but at some point I will need to know when he plans to have them home, considering they have school the next day. But no, there's no reason I need to know his plans, obviously...


Jsmom's picture

You do know that there is no reason you have to let your Biokids have a relationship with your SD? In no way, does my son have a thing to do with my SD17....We are considering trying again with her, but my Bio does not have to be involved in anyway....

You can say no, I know they are his kids too, but I would just say no and especially if he is being secretive about it...

Elizabeth's picture

I know, this is just not a hill I want to die on. DH's parents do NOT approve of SD20 and how DH parents her, so while they are around SD20 will have to behave herself, somewhat. I'd rather one day in a controlled environment with minimal drive time. This will let me tell DH no when he wants to take them to SD20's college family day next month.

Willow2010's picture

and he wants to know why I want to know

That would have made me mad from the get go.

Elizabeth's picture

It did. Breathe in, breathe out, speak logically. As soon as I get emotional, all of DH's reasoning ability flies right out the window and nothing gets accomplished except he's mad at me and SD20 and he are the victims. No thank you.

bi's picture

fdh did this crap in the beginning of our relationship. i remember asking him once what his weekend plans were (because there was something i wanted to ask him to do with me if he was free)and he gave me a really shitty look. i knew by the look he thought i was being controlling by asking what his plans were. :? so i told him i'm not being nosy, i'm asking because of (whatever it was i wanted to do). about 2 weeks later, we were talking and he told me i was going to meet his parents that weekend. um, i am? yeah. he went ahead and made dinner plans for me without ever consulting me to see if that was going to work for me, if i had a sitter for bd, nothing at all. so i guess i can't ask what his plans are, but he can just go right ahead and MAKE plans for me. stupid asshole.

missshasta2000's picture

WOW. I am not the only one. If one of the skids calls or texts if I inquire about it I am told its not my concern.He actually told me that what him and his kids talk about it non of my buisness and to stay out of it.Well really more times than not it is because its because they want something. Of course he wouldn't want to tell them no so I am the bad guy and if its something we cant do I am the reason why. For instance his daughter knew I was fostering a dog and then she calls him up and asks if we could watch her dog for the weekend. She never wants us to watch her daughter/ his grandaughter ever but, we are good enough to watch her dog. I was like two dogs would be to much and stated the reasons why.. Her dog pees all over is obnoxious and jumps on everybody. and other issues but DH said I will take care of her you wont have to worry about her.. Yeah right when your working all weekend.

missshasta2000's picture

Ha Nodoormat that was the start of our arguement. My SD has been posting facebook posts for the last week about her being so sick with a UTI blah blah blah. I feel for her and I let her dad know whats going on in their lives cause he has no facebook. Then she decided to text him and let him know all about her being sick and how much her mom has helped out taking care of her daughter. She only texted him cause she wanted to be coddled she has the poor me attitude which she got. Then last night she called and they were talking all about her. based on his side of the conversation. after 20 minutes she finally asked how he was.. I was thinking wow she finally called him to also see how he was doing.. My bad as he got ready to hang up the phone he said thanks for calling me back. He called her first and left a message.
Then I inquired oh you called her? which he normally calls when I am not around. Which in a way upsets me cause I know they could careless about me. So then he said yeah. cause you have an attitude when i talk to my kids. NO my attitude is... and the fight begins.