CLove's Blog
Deal with the Devil
This is a sort of funny post - not a problem, that I need advice on.
So, to just lay it on the line: SD13 is a heavy girl, really cute, but 50lbs overweight - 5' and 163 lbs.
She has a mother, Toxic Troll who is considered obese at 5'3" and 220 lbs. Ive mentioned previously that she buys her daughter treats and "goodies" like cupcakes and pies and cookies, and will "drop them off" at our house. When its her time, Munchkin SD tells me its all fast food.
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Cars, Stones and backpacks
It was a whirlwind of activity on our end. As it was a skid-free weekend, it was enjoyable in me being all about me, instead of worrying about Munchkin SD13 and her entertainment.
Firstly, the area I live near was all about cars for the whole darn week, culminating in a huge show and lots of parties. We saw cars that are concepts, so they are not even available on the market. Cars from the 1930's. Lamborginis, Ferraries, and all that.
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Close of Mail-gate opening of 5150-gate
Its like watergate but without any presidential ties or conspiracies.
Whelp, DH got a series of texts last night from Toxic Troll. She has admitted Feral Forger to the local hospital under a 5150 hold. Unfortunately the hospital sais that there are no additional beds for her so she will have to be shipped out of town or out of state, according to TT.
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Im so angry right now, that I cannot even speak. Which is why I am typing instead.
Toxic Troll decided to just drop by when we werent home from work yet, and stuff our mailbox with some fruit snacks crap for Munchkin SD13 (who btw is overweight).
I absolutely hate when she has done that. Especially after last years toxic rant from her. DJ absolutely cannot enforce boundaries with her! I have mentioned it time and again, no "just dropping by" and he refuses to address it becasuse, well you know Golden Uterus.
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BM likes messing with DH
It never ends and I know I should be above it. Toxic Troll will steal photos of Dh's family members and share them on Faceboook, will text DH comments about his fishing friends that she is supposedly involved with, and the latest is we have a bet "did so-and-so REALLY invite her to go fishing with him?" Toxic Troll loves fishing, and went with DH ALL the time.
Well, if she was invited, why didnt she go?
I told him "Toxic Troll is a liar, shes always telling you lies about different people to get to you. She knows all the strings to pull to pi$$ you off."
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Fun times in the Skid-free zone
What are you Steppers up to this fine weekend?
Its a kid-free zone (supposedly, unless Toxic Troll gets into some kind of drama again like usual) and Clove (thats me!) has herself some plans.
Friday - yay! Gym, then home to clean and prep for the weekend. Its going to be REALLY nice and sunny. So, I have built a roster of activities due to DH's plans to go fishing.
Saturday, possibly plans in no particular order:
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Talked it out with "The Mask"
So - after thinking on things a bit, I was in conversation with Munchkin SD13 last night, and gauged it to be safe to present this topic.
I asked her if she was unhappy the time we went out, just she and I because it had been brought to my attention by an outside viewpoint, a friend, who had mentioned she looked REALLY miserable.
I said, it doesnt offend me if you would rather not attend xyz event.
She said "no, I had fun! That was just my resting face".
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Mask of Misery and end of summer blues
Advice needed my lovely steptalkers!
My Sd, Munchkin SD13, has started doing something that I am having a problem with. Its not the cracking of knuckles, its not the stinky feet, its something else entirely.
Whenever we go out together she always has this look on her face, what I term the "mask of misery". It was pointed out to me also, that she just sits there pouting. My friend, who is very sensitive, told me when she saw a photo of Munchkin and I on facebook, she had the worst pout, so much so that my friend felt bad for me.
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Mirror, mirror on the wall...and Tweedle returns
OK, so to quote almost everyone here, time to get that popcorn, or cuppa and enjoy the show...
The setup *** 2 years ago
So, for those who are new to my story, a little over 2 years ago, not 2 weeks that Feral Forger had been 18 yo, Toxic Troll, Tweedle - the erstwhile boyfriend and Feral Forger were just hanging in the little knarly 2 bedroom apartment, bored, on a Thursday night with nothing else to do (with Munchkin in the background/back bedroom) - TT and FF got into a major fight.
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Absence, Ice Cream and Abused Husbands
So, I got the story. Big Picture is that Munchkin was alone all day and had heard from Toxic Troll an hour before she called DH, with promises from her mother of food and ice cream. It was just taking a while (1 freaking hour).
I get that she wants to be with us, I also get that its a long time alone, but she needs to buck up and understand that creating drama will eventually drive me away.
Im so burned out on steplife, we couldnt even get away for 2 days, 2 nights before drama. Its always drama. Thanks for listening to my drivel!
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