3LittleDragonflies's Blog
BabyDaddy #2 OD'd
Don't know what on. DH's SM and BDad#2 are facebook friends.
His apparently in the hospital.
Way to go BM. Really got a winner there.
Just hope he ends up okay and pulls his life together. CPS is definitely not going to be having R go live with him or his mother.
I'm starting to think forced sterilization wouldn't be a bad idea in society.
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I thought a lot of you would like this article
This needs to be 10 words so blah blah blah.
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How many of you claim the skids
When someone asks about kids, I say "I have three little girls, two of my own and a beautiful little stepdaugther who's 3 and my two are 2, and 3 months." I refer to BD2 as "My oldest" and SD as "DH's oldest/ my stepdaughter".
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They're grasping at straws...
DH called GBM and left a voicemail asking her to call him back. He wanted to switch the exchange to the local mall (midway between our houses) because they've been acting so psychotic (He didn't add the psychotic part )
GBM BLEW UP at him. She said that from now on if he wants visitations he has to take her to court for them and that we neglect SD every time we have her. She said she'd keep him from SD.
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I can't wait for our day in court. I can't wait to see BM and GBM's faces when this little game comes crashing down.
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Another Question
This one is for my homework... I need at least 10 responses
1)Do you believe in The Flood (As described in the book of Genesis)? (Yes or No)
Yes- Continue to question 2
No- Just put no
2) Do you believe the flood was local (Just the area of Noah) or global (Covered the entire world)
Thanks for your time ladies.
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Gay Marriage
No fighting, yelling, hitting, or flagging. Got it? You may proceed.
Answer this question: What is your opinion on Gay Marriage?
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I think we may have found a lawyer.
I emailed our pastor and asked if he knew of any family lawyers. He sent back two names and that he'd pray for us and SD.
You'd think that would be it. Our church has over 2000 people in it. It's bigger than the local high school. DH and I have only gone there a few months... He did enough just by giving us a couple leads right?
Nope. He went into see one of the lawyers yesterday and talk to her about us.
2000 people...
And he took time out of his day for us.
I'm shocked.
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So angry...
I got on DH's fake facebook and posted a message on BM's wall (She's blocked from our real one FB) saying "I have been calling you all week about SD. You need to call me back."
Got a call from GBM 20 minutes later.
Apparently it's not our weekend... EXCUSE ME? EVERY SATURDAY 9-5. Why is that such a difficult thing to understand???
She told DH that SD can't go out for Halloween. She's sick. But don't worry, GBM went out and got her a giant bag of candy just for her.
She told him not to go posting stuff on BM's facebook
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Looks like we may have found some help
DH finally got through to W-MI legal aid. They are looking into setting us up with a pro bono attorney
The clerk said without an attorney it would take about 4 months at least (no bueno, we want SD out of there ASAP) because we can't file for an emergency hearing without a lawyer.
BM won't answer DH's calls......
So that's where we stand. Keep the prayers coming.
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