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Tx mommy of 3's Blog

Tomorrow begins my 11 day Christmas 'vacation' with ss

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So tomorrow we get ss13...for 11 straight LONG days. Yea. I'm so excited about thi Christmas. Let's see, the last Christmas ss spent with us at my parents house he stormed outside and cried. Granted he was about 8, so hopefully that won't happen again. Actually, it shouldn't be that bad. For one, I'm SICK!! That means I have a reason to hide out and sleep in my room all weekend. Crazy how I'm glad to be sick just because it means I won't have to deal with ss.

UGH! SS is ruining my Chistmas spirit!...long (UPDATED)

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I am so furious right now! So DH & I have sone most of our Christmas shopping, except for the kids. Every year we set a budget on how much we will spend on each person we shop for and we pretty much stick to the amount we set. So since TG I have been asking DH what our budget was for the kids (ss13 included). He is our sole provider since I'm a stay at home mom so he decides what we can afford since his paycheck varies each month.

Ss 'birthday' weekend

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So I haven't been on here much lately because I haven't had to deal with ss much lately. The weekend before TG was dh weekend and they spent the weekend with MIL. The kids and I joined up on Sunday, but 'unfortunately' got there so late that we only saw ss for an hour or so. So sad...not really. So next weekend is ss real bday but dh wanted to celebrate it this weekend. We spent all week arguing about whatto get ss. Dh wants to be Disney dad and buy out toys r us. I don't want to get him a thing but know we prob should. Surely there is a middle ground!

"You know what you got into when you married him/her"

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We've either said it or heard it. Some form of, "you knew what he/she had beforetou married him/her." my dh has even started saying it to me- that I knew he had ss before we got married. And it is true. I knew he had a son. But what exactly does that mean? To me it means, yes, I knew he had a son. I knew his son visited him sometimes. I knew he paid child support. And that is all I knew. Then we got married. I don't think by marrying dh that I meant I would automatically love his child or even take care of his child when he didn't feel like it.

Gag me & my weekend with ss so far

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DH has been playing with the kids all day. It's cute. A while ago he starts giving 'horsey' rides to bios 5 and 4. Of course SS12 (stb 13!) HAS to be included too. (roll my eyes) Of course he is heavier than the younger ones but dh doesn't say anything. This isn't the first time, SS usually thinks he can be included in this type of play too. I never say anything but I did today. I just said "ss, don't you think you are too big to be riding on your dad's back?" then walked off. After that they stopped playing because dh was hurting! Ha! Anyway, just rollin my eyes over here.

Hmmm...just me & my thoughts

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So since I've been on this site I have started noticing things about myself as a sm- good and bad. Overall it is a good thing because i'm learning. Anyway, today I caught myself telling dh, "why do you do this in front of your son?" And I realized that I do say 'your son' a lot. I mean it is true...he isn't my son and I don't mean it in a bad least not all the time! Wink I just consider him DH's son. Just like I consider MIL DH's mom.

OT- Last minute visit from MIL

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Mil lives 2 hrs away. Latey shehas been getting jobs that bring her in our area. Due to her job though we never see her when she's around because usually she is just passing thru quickly to get somewhere else. Thatis fine and we understand. Today after work dh tells me his mom is in town. (and your point?) He said she might come by but wasn't sure. (ummm...ok. Not like I have nothing going on or anything.) So we proceed with our regular routine and plan on her not coming. At 7:30 I get the kids ready for bed. They are 5, 4 and 7mths so bedtime during weekdays/school days is BY 8.

Dh will miss Halloween

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So it's not a big deal compared to other things. And I should be grateful that I haven't had to see ss as much lately. At least one visit the last two months dh has spent visitation with ss at mil's while the kids and I stay home. (we live in a different town than ss and it is just MUCH easier notto travel with 3 kids!) It is just how things have worked out and I have enjoyed only seeing ss once a month! Anyway, this weekend he comes again. Unfortunately Halloween is on Sunday- travel day. Meaning dh leaves by 4 to get ss home at 6 then gets back home a little after 8.

Woohoo! Our weekend vacation starts tomorrow!!

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Yeah, so I'll probably get flames for this but oh well. Tomorrow we leave for our mini family vacation (without ss)! Since the baby was young this summer we didn't take a trip because we didn't think she'd do well on a long drive. By the end of the summer (after all the tension of a ss filled summer) I was regretting not takin a vacation. Even dh wanted to go on a getaway as his only time off was doting to ss and even taking ss and ds on a one day trip to a town 300 miles away!

UPDATE!- talk with ss12!

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OMG! My dh completely shocked me! So i posted earlier today about dh taking ss to the fair last night knowing we were having a talk with ss today. Read my last few posts if you don't know. So, his morning dh is dreading this talk. He wants me to do it all. I was fine with doing most of the talking at first- until dh 'rewarded' ss by taking him to the fair last night. I told dh he wasn't going to get away with playing nice guy all weekend and having me come out as the mean one. Then dh started with the video was 'kids being kids', 'it's's not that bad', blah blah.
