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Tx mommy of 3's Blog

OMG! I'm shaking I'm so mad!! Dh is on a roll!

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So dh got over the shower thing. We eat dinner and all is fine. Out of NOWHERE, dh yells (in front of ss) "Where is ss pic he drew last time?" (last time ss and dd were drawing pics on notecards. No big deal but I threw them away. All of them.) My reply was to play dumb and I was thinking, 'oops'. So apparently ss noticed they weren't on the fridge and told his daddy. Dh hadn't even noticed. Well dh threw a MAJOR fit about it- RIGHT IN FRONT OF SS!!! He has NEVER done that before!! I got so mad. He was basically saying I threw them away on purpose because I don't like ss.

Can't I ever get a long warm shower?!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Or just a WARM one for that matter? This may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but I'm so frustrated right now. So for me, my shower is a precious thing. I have 3 kids an always have one around it seems. I can't just leave them unattended so I can only sneak one in when dh is here and I can usually only squeeze a quick one in. On the weekends I usually try to get a long one in and it's usually my only time to relax, moms know how it is.

I get o put ss13 to work tomorrow!!!

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So last time ss was here he completely shattered the entire glass door. Dh talked to him about working it off before he left and whether ss realizes it or not, we meant it. So tomorrow dh has to work and has left me to put ss to work. Yea!! It works better this way because if dh was off I doubt he would enforce it or would end up helping ss. This way, I can oversee and make sure he does this all on his own! I'm having him throw out tons of stuff as I'm organizing our garage. He'll also help with cleaning rhe garage. Then he gets to do yardwork- front and back and we have a big backyard!

I think there should be a law

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setting a 'deadline' as to when a bm can file cs on a bfather. I've heard of many stories where a guy didn't know he got a girl pregnant and YEARS later she files for cs and the guy has to pay back pay on top of cs and whatever else the state requires- health insurance, daycare, etc. I know the guy isn't innocent as he probably didn't use a condom or chose to have sex in the first place. BUT when years go by and he guy lives his life and never knows about he pregnancy, let alone a child then gets hit with it- seems unfair.

I met some of your sd's tonight! ;) ha ha!

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So we had dinner with sil, her hubby and his 2 girls age 10. Sil is a new stepmom and I feel for her! She doesn't even see what she is getting into! We went to a restaurant his girls had been to many times before. (oh, the dad is non-custodial, btw). First, these girls were so immature- running around the fountain, making noises with their straws, nothing really annoying just silly. S soon as he toldthem to stop, they would. But hen the "daaaaaaadddddy" started....

I just can never hve a good visit with SS!!

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Just when it seems like this weekend's visit was going well, ss shot his bb gun (playing around) at our door and completely shattered our glass door!! Glass was everywheredh spent an hour cleaning it up to make sure the baby doesn't pick up any glass pieces as she crawls around. Ss said there was nothing in his gun. And there wasn't anything in there all weekend because the boys played with it yesterday and never had any bb's. But 'nothing' doesn't shatter a glass door and ss was the only one outside. We were in hw kitchen and could hear something hit the glass. Dh is pissed. Obviously.

Dreading ss13 visit this weekend and so is he

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So this is dh weekend to have ss. Tues, dh was talking to ss and reminded him that he's picking him up this weekend. Ss was surprised like he didn't know and sounded like he already had plans for this weekend. Weds, dh missed a call from bm but she didn't leave a msg so he didn't think it was necessary to call back. Thursday, dh receives an email from bm. She said she didn't realize it was dh's weekend and planned on taking ss to a birthday party that happens to be in our town. She asked if dh would let her pick up ss for a 'few hours' on Sat but if not then it was ok.

Quick rundown of my Christmas with ss

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Ss13 stayed home alone while the kids and I went to my parents (2hrs away). It was great because I didn't have to deal with ss for 5days til he and dh finally met up with us for Christmas weekend. Unfortunately when we got home today the house was a wreck! UGH!! I flipped out and dh kept quiet because he knew. Now, it wasn't trashed but I repeatedly told dh t needed to b picked up when I got home.

Need advice about ss13 hitting ds4 AGAIN!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Ok, so most ifyou know the history and if you don't, read some of my posts from this summer. But basically ss can't stand ds. Ds is no angel, but he loves ss (they are half-brothers) and always wants to be with ss. Ss gets understandably annoyed. However, ss fights with ds. Yes, ds might hit ss. And ds gets punished for it. We had a talk with ss about not hitting ds anymore (remember the video?) and that we would take care of ds if he bothers ss too much. Well his weekend ds came running that ss hit him. I wasn't in the room and didn't see/hear what happened so it was hard to do anything.

My piggy back riding 13yo ss is baaaack!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

So no daddy giving piggy back rides this time. But ugh!!! I just cannot STAND this immature kid. I can stand the kid if he were to act his age. It is the fact that he is 13 and acts like an 8 year old that GETS ON MY NERVES!!!! Today we went to walmart. We happened to see one of those carts with the 2seaters in front of te basket. Well my bios4&5 love those. They are a pain to push and we never see them anyway. Well we see one and dh gets it. We put baby in the basket and bios sit in the two seater part. Ss13 left out rides on the end of the basket.
