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Dreading ss13 visit this weekend and so is he

Tx mommy of 3's picture

So this is dh weekend to have ss. Tues, dh was talking to ss and reminded him that he's picking him up this weekend. Ss was surprised like he didn't know and sounded like he already had plans for this weekend. Weds, dh missed a call from bm but she didn't leave a msg so he didn't think it was necessary to call back. Thursday, dh receives an email from bm. She said she didn't realize it was dh's weekend and planned on taking ss to a birthday party that happens to be in our town. She asked if dh would let her pick up ss for a 'few hours' on Sat but if not then it was ok. Dh emails a quick "sorry we have plans" email. Then dh receives a text from ss. (*roll my eyes* because ss NEVER texts his dad unless he wants something) So ss asked dh if he was going to let him go. Dh said no because we have plans. Dh further explained (as he has numerous times before) that ss is going to miss things at home because dh wants/gets time with ss too. Ss replied for his dad to chill. He is upset about missing this party. Now, personally, I would've loved if he kid skipped a visit or 2 or from now on Wink BUT this is dh's son and dh's decision. Anyway, so I asked dh what 'plans' we had. And yes, we have 'plans' but nothing really fun. So ss will be even more upset when he realizes he's missing a party for nothing other than ds4's bball game! SO not only will ss be upset at dh for making him miss this party but chances are he'll probably take it out on ds too. Ugh! Dreading this weekend!!!


mommyto6's picture

I was thinking the same thing. There are lots of times where one of our kids has a sporting event while at the same time another child has something else going on. We will either split up and one parent take half the kids to the sporting event and the other parent take the other kids to whatever else is going on. Is it a birthday party though of someone in BM's family that DH would feel uncomfortable at? If so, I can see the hesitation then. If not and it's just a friends bday, then what's the big deal? I would just tell BM that there's no need for her to take SS-that you all would see to it.

Zoie's picture

I agree why not let his son go to the party and you all can have the rest of the weekend together....Z

Anon2009's picture

I think SS should be able to go to the b-day party if it is in your town. I think it'll be much better for all of you, because SS won't get bored at the baseball game and you will not have to deal with his attitude at the baseball game. DS also will not have to deal with SS taking it all out on him. What is your DH's reasoning behind making him come to the baseball game?

mom2jirms's picture

Yep a huge resentment! Towards who? All those involved. After reading this I just realized I'm on both sides of the spectrum. I have a 13 yr. old son but what I really joined this forum for was cuz my dh has a 15 yr. old daughter, and my relationship if you wanna even call it that is waaay ridiculous.

Your story sounds OMG so like my kid. Totally something I go thru every other weekend that he has to go see his father and unfortunately perhaps a peek of what his step mother must feel, not sure as she's proven to be very fake to me in the past.

In this particular case I dont see what the BIG issue is for him to still be able to attend that birthday party but then again is his half sibling gonna feel bad that he wasn't able to watch him play ball? All around its kinda icky in a sense.

Do you honestly wish your dh would just not bother with visitation? Just asking. I really wish my sons father would not bother cuz my son hates going over there and we've been doing this since he was 2. I'm not too happy with his step mother either and thats cuz she likes to call my son a motherfucker and tells him shes gonna beat his ass so I believe I have every right to hate the bitch. I really wish she would call him out again cuz then we'd be going to court to stop all visitation. And I wish I wouldnt care about getting arrested so I could beat HER ass! }:)

I get your frustration cuz like I said I'm on both sides. Your ss needs to realize that things arent always gonna go his way and to just deal with it since your dh sounds like he's made up his mind. I hope its not that bad of a visitation. Good luck!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

"Do you honestly wish your dh would just not bother with visitation?"

Sometimes, yes. I didn't always feel like this though. Ss stopped visiting for about 3 years. Dh didn't push or force him. During that time life went on. Just last year ss started visiting again, only this time he has 3 halfsiblings to deal with. Since we have kids, we also have rules and expectations. Our lives are chaotic Nd busy and most often does not revolve around ss. Ss doesn't like visiting. He would love coming if we had no kids but we do. Ss doesn't respect his dad. He uses dh. If his dad isn't spending money on him, taking him places HE wants to go and isn't catering to him then he gets annoyed. Dh wants visitation...just not eow. (we live 2 hrs away). But the other option would be once a month and EVERY holiday. I'm not having that! Besides, during long stretches of time dh gets tired of him (for lack of a better term). He jut doesn't know what to do with him and really can't be himself when ss is here that long. plus I leave all things ss related to dh so he gets worn out having to take care of ss. So, all that to say yeah, I kind of really look forward to a time when ss stops visiting. And I think dh secretly wishes the same thing too.

ThatGirl's picture

I'm thinking your DH said "No" because BM wanted to pick him up and take him to this party. Was there ever an offer to let your DH take him? If DH could go with him, then he wouldn't be missing out on time with his son.

I know that our BM used to try scheduling things during our time with the skids, and it annoyed the heck out of my SO. It's just a fact of life that the skids will miss certain things at either parent's house from time to time.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

That's kind of dh's thing...this isn't the first time she's tried to take ss during dh's time. In he past he'd let her but then it became almost every visitation she had an excuse. Before he knew it ss stopped visiting at all. Ss didn't visit for about 3 years. They finally went to mediation last year and dh got a new schedule implemented. Even now she tries to keep him on dh's time but now dh is putting his foot down because he feels she'll take advantage again and ss will start missing visits again.

Dh has already talked to ss about missing things. He told ss if he could get him to certain things hen he would but that dh's time with him was his time. A few months ago dh bent over backwards to get ss to his schools's homecoming festivities which fell on dh's weekend. Dh spent the entire weekend
(without me and kids) in ss's town (with mil) so ss wouldn't
miss it as he looks forward to it every year.

And as I told dh before this, is that kids will miss events. Even kids in 'intact' families will miss things because other things come up. Why should it be different with him?

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Ok, just reminding you this is dh's decision! I would've gladly let him go! Wink The bday party is Bm's 2nd cousin or something? Dh would NOT want to be around bm or her family. He doesn't even like talking to bm on the phone let alone spend hours with her family. I don't think the idea of dh taking him ever came up and dh wouldn't because like I said he wouldn't want to be around her family. Dh also doesn't want to stray from the co since they've only been following it not yet a year now. He's afraid if he bends the rules once she'll abuse it because it's happened in the past. Also, this is bs first game ever and dh doesn't want to miss it. Bs is our son. This is also dh's first experience with being involved in his son's sports. (bm and dh broke up when ss was 1 1/2 yrs old). So he is excited about bs and sports. Dh telling bm and ss that 'we have plans' is all on him. Dh is also proud and his time is his time when it comes to ss. Bmsaid it wasn't a big deal so that's how we treated it. My dd has missed 3 bday parties this year just because we had other plans. It happens. That's how dh sees it too. Not every weekend is about ss.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Oh, also my fault...I know I said the party was in our town. But it is really in a smalltown close to us. It would still be 20miles each way to the party. I said our town because it is still in our area and not in the town ss lives which is 2 hrs away. So, if dh dropped off and picked up, he would have to drive 20 min there and back then do it again later. He doesn't want to run around and miss his oher son's first bball game. I honestly don't see the big deal in him missing. My bd has missed 3 bday parties first semester! We had other plans and it didn't work out. Sometimes it just doesn't work out.

aggravated1's picture

OK, I have read all this. My take? SS wouldn't go to the party. It's DH's weekend, his reasoning makes sense, and it's your DH's call.

So what if SS13 doesn't like it? My DD14 is missing something she wanted to do tonight to attend her brothers wrestling match. What's the difference? Because in the OP's case it's a stepkid? Who here has never had a bio miss something they wanted to do for something else that was family related?

I don't get what the big deal is.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Thank you! That's how I feel too. Only this time I didn't give dh my opinion at all. He made this decision on his own. And like I told someone else, my bd has missed 3 bday parties this year because we eiher had other plans or it didn't work out. She's 5 and never made a big deal about it.

ThatGirl's picture

Gotcha! Yep, tell him to stick to his guns then. And yes, if he caves this time, it will be expected again.

Zoie's picture

Ok, I hear you but just remember that BM's family is SS's family as well and sometimes there will be events that he will have to attend on his moms side and his dads side. I wouldn't discourage him attending these events as they are important...just my opinion... Z

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Right. But be lives with bm. He sees his grandparetns and cousins on a daily basis. The LAST thing we are doing is keeping him away from bm's family. He probably sees these cousins and relatives more than bm! Most of bm's side of he family live in he same town as ss, he goes to school with his cousins. Anoher thing is if roles were reversed and our kids were having a party or one if dh's relatives had something on bm's time then bm wouldn't let ss come. It's happened before.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

THIS is actually my issue. It wasn't about should or shouldn't ss go to the party. It's about ss being resentful because he's having to go to the game instead of a party and taking it out on bs. Also, ss has issues with bs. Jealousy mostly. I think dh thinks if they spend more time around each other than ss will be more accepting. Whatever. Dh is also weird when it comes to family time. Not weird really. He just likes doing things as a family on he weekends. I'm a sahm so weekends I prefer to veg out and relax, but dh always makes plans in his head for us all to do things- go to he mall, out to eat, etc. When ss visits he tries to do something will ALL of us. So not having ss with him at ds game is kind of breaking his fantasy in a way? It's not every day he gets to have ALL his kids together so when he gets the chance he takes it.

Jsmom's picture

My thoughts are it is Dad's time and dad's call. For us, we support each other at events. My teen son doesn't want to go to his Stepbrothers choral concert, but he has to go. But, if Dad doesn't want to deal with BM at all than it makes sense to keep his son from going.

But, if it is easy to take him and then leave after an hour or so, I would do that and maybe score some points with SS.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

EXACTLY!! Dh has visitation starting every 1,3,5th Friday. How hard is it to look at a calendar? She KNEW it was dh's weekend yet got ss hopes up for nothing. She does that often. Labor day weekend she told ss all about plans they had to go to the lake and go fishing on hat him all excited- forgetting the fact that dh didn't have to take him back til Monday. The last few days we had him for Christmas break bm and her mom kept calling ss telling him who was over, what they were doing and 'are you sure your dad can't bring you back early?' Any instance bm has to make dh look bad she takes it boh, and get this, her email to dh said 'when we were planning his party we didn't realize it was in your weekend'. We? If she had a hand in planning this party then she should've planned it when she knew her son could be there. And yes, if it was a funeral or wedding then it'd be different, but it's a bday party!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Ok, so surprisingly this visit hasn't been bad at all! Ss isn't upset about missing. If he is then he isn't acting like it. And usually if he's upset he is texting his mom nonstop and it is just very noticeable. But nope- nothing! He even brought ds his old tackle box to use this spring/summer. He's been in a pleasant mood and absolutely NO fighting with the kids. He even played barbies with dd! Right now dh has the older 3 and thy are at a local kid pizza place while the baby and I relax. Can't believe Sunday is almost here!

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Well it still might happen since this weekend's visit was a good one! ( far)

mom2five's picture

I understand your DH's position. But I can see the future on this one. We'll see a post from you wondering why your teenage stepson refuses to come to your house.

This is exactly the stuff that causes teens to feel resentment. The party was in your town. There was absolutely no reason your stepson should have had to miss it.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

You won't see a post from me complaining my ss stopped visiting his teen years. Quite the opposite! I help dh keep his visits regularly and help him when dealing with bm. However it wouldn't bother me a bit if ss stopped visiting. Sorry. Oh, and as I posted, ss is fine. Has been extremely pleasant. We had a busy day as a family and ss had fun. Dh has no regrets on his decision.

aggravated1's picture

Do people DO this with their bios too? What am I missing here? So what if the kid missed the party??? If he lived with them, he still might miss the party. Like I said before, DD14 missed at least 2 activities this weekend to attend her brothers wrestling matches. Why? Because we are family and we support each other. And also because I don't cater to teenagers doing everything they want when they want to do it.
I think there was plenty of reason for her SS to miss the party, just like there were good reasons for my DD to miss her stuff. Him being a stepkid doesn't get him special privileges, for God's sake.

Frustrated New Wife's picture

Ok, I have read all the posts. I agree that it is DH's time and DH has every right to do whatever he wants to with his son and his family. I don't see the big deal in him missing a freaking bday party for a cousin that he goes to school with :O

IMHO, after reading everything you have said about BM, TX, it sounds like to me that maybe your BM is doing this on purpose. SS didn't visit for 3 years, DH puts his foot down, and now SS visits. Only, BM conveniently "forgets" DH's weekends, gets skid all excited, just to find out he is going to dads. It sounds like to me that BM is very vindictive and sets her own kid up for failure. I think she knows exaclty what she is doing. She knows when DH will have SS, so she gets SS excited about plans on his weekends, then SS finds out he can't go, and then SS has resentment towards DH.

I could be totally off, but she planned this party and you are telling me that she doesn't know when DH's visitation is? Please.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

That is exactly what I told dh after he already replied to her. We feel the same way too- that she does these things on purpose just to make dh look bad. How sad is that. Dh also thinks that some things are more of a big deal to bm than it is to ss. This isn't the first time ss has acted like something doesn't boner him as much as bm made it out to be.

purpledaisies's picture

I think that whoever said that this is why ss wouldn't visit in the future is wrong! SS may not want to come b/c he will be a BUSY teen not b/c of dad not letting him go to a bday party! GEEZ not everything needs to be revolving around a skid for fear that they might not come back.*eye roll*

Txmom I think what your dh is doing is great tell him to keep up the good work.

And with some it seems damned if you do and damned if your don't! So no matter what you do there will be someone telling you that you should b/c of this or that.