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The center of the universe is bm....

princessmofo's picture

Contrary to popular belief, the sun is not the center of the universe. Indeed, that theory was disproved yesterday with an email from the inbred, knuckle-dragging swamp cunt (bm) that reiterated that she is the center of the universe. Let me break it down for you.

This week is my youngest bio's bday. Due to my very hectic schedule, the fact that I work two jobs and every weekend, and an unexpected out-of-town guest at my sisters, I elected to have his bday party on Sunday. This is what works for My and My families schedule. Unfortunately, this is not a weekend we have ss. Dh and I did not mention the party to ss. However, it is darn near impossible to censor the ramblings of a five year old, so of course, my youngest told ss about his party this weekend.

SS then asked dh if he could attend. Dh explained that it was twat waffle's weekend with him. But he would ask her, if possibly, she could spare him for a few hours so he could attend. Dh sent a polite email asking if ss could attend the party and he would provide transportation to and from. I knew before he even asked what the answer would be but I was rather surprised at the blatant selfishness and malice of the response.

Twat waffle's response (email) was this:

1) You should have discussed this with me before ss since it's my weekend (dh didn't bring it up my bio did so we were kindof stuck)
2) It's not fair I have to say no. You (dh) should be the bad guy, it's your job to and let him down (she actually wrote that)
3) I would not do this to you. (Uh, no bitch you've done much, much worse like taking us to court to take ss away from dh completely, trying to ruin our marriage, etc.)
4) Since you know it's my weekend you should have planned Princess' child's bday around my schedule and ss, not your own (swear to the Almighty she said this)
5) You've planned parties for other bio before too that inconvenienced me (that's right cause why should the child's bday be about them, it's about twat waffle)
6) If you would plan better and accommodate me, then ss wouldn't have to miss out.

So yea, I hate her guts. What really gets me is that this crazy as a bag of cats bm thinks that somehow my children's birthdays should be timed to accommodate her, not us. I plan things when they are convenient for me and my family, not anybody else. So if that means that ss occasionally misses out, oh well. We tried to ask politely. If she does not want him to go then she can be the "bad" guy. Seriously, I am simply baffled by this line of reasoning. She never did give dh an answer. She said she would let him know mid-week. We suspect she's running to her lawyer to cry about it. Why, I don't know. But that's what kind of insanity I am dealing with.



princessmofo's picture

There's no point. You can't reason with crazy. But at least we have written proof of her stupidity and selfishness. I just can't wrap my head around the idea that this somehow is about her and not a child, who isn't hers, birthday. It's mind boggling.

Lalena75's picture

I'd respond we don't revolve around you, and I'll be sure to tell SS YOU said he can't come.

DaizyDuke's picture

BM2 pulled this shit once and it was the nail in her coffin with me. We used to be fairly (thankfully rarely) at least cordial to each other but after her ridiculous accusations and expectations, we had a falling out of epic proportions . This is what she said

1. DH and I went and got a Christmas tree and only decorated 1/2 of it with SD so that SS could help decorate the other 1/2 when he came over later. BM2 was mad that we didn't wait for SS to get the tree, because SS was with her at her cult church for 5 hours, I was obviously a selfish bitch for not thinking of SS and waiting.

2. I took SD to the movies with a friend once and that made SS feel left out... even though he was laying on the couch that night with fucking MONO I was obviously an uncaring bitch for not taking SS

3. I took SD to work with me once on "Bring your DAUGHTER to work day" because SHE asked me if she could go (surely just trying to get out of going to school that day, but whatever) "daughter" of course being the key word here for those who might not have had enough coffee this morning. But I was obviously an uncaring bitch for not asking SS to go with me to work that day.

BMs VM to DH was that "I should be more thoughtful of SS and to the fact that I might be hurting his wittle fee fees by doing these things and not taking him. Now mind you, there were MANY, MANY times that I did stuff with SS that we didn't have SD.. but somehow BM and SS forgot about those times.

Whatever freaks, now I just do a whole lot of NOTHING with either one of them and that way there is no drama. And these BMs and skids wonder why we throw up our hands and disengage???

step off already's picture

After one year of trying to make sure SS is included in EVERYTHING (which he mostly is since he's with us full time)and my bios and SS both visit their other parents during the same EOWe, I no longer worry about it. There are deviations from our standard schedule for certain holidays and summer - which is when a lot of stuff goes down.

DH has made a fuss here and there, but no longer does. I make plans for me and MY kids based on when my kids are with me and what I can work out with their father. I make plans for our family (DH, skid, DDs and DSs), based on when we will all be together.

This year, SS missed out on DS9's bday party that we had at our house. Oh well. SS has also missed out on lots of fun things I've done with my kids this summer while he's been at his mom's. Oh well. He is doing other things with his mom.

I planned an end of summer trip for all of us. SS13 asked if he will be home during the trip - so he already gets that life goes on whether he's here or not.

We have a high conflict BM also, so we don't even bother to ask her to switch and we don't encourage SS to even ask her himself because then she'll want to speak with DH and all they do is fight. There is absolutely no contact between DH and BM and we have a restraining order against her. We sent a letter to her last spring that outlined deviations from the "standard" schedule based on the court order and upcoming holidays. some of the things in the CO were not 100% clear, so we interpretted it as best as we could and laid it all out for her. She attempted to argue, but we (maCld her in the letter that he had the trip and would not do visitation that weekend. We considered offering her another weekend but knew that it would just open up another argument, so we didn't bother. She didn't ask to replace the weekend.

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

Uhhhh! Dont you hate that Copernicus was wrong? haha.
Anyways, BM does not have a right to dictate and to throw temper tantrums(especially because she is a MOTHER and thats what kids do) about when you can host parties etc etc.
I would just ignore it, even though I understand it is really really hard not too!
Let her rant and rave all she wants about you not including step son.
When in reality, she is the one that is dis inviting him, by not allowing him to visit during her scheduled is redundant to even argue that.

Parents of Blended Families/Step Families in general, really need to let go of the past, you cant undo all the "wrongs" but you can start making things "right" again.

This includes compromise on a change in schedule, even if you hate each others guts its better to be compromising than not.

BMs birthday is on the 26th, last year I bought her a birthday and a christmas present, because BM has been a nosey little bitch. Dont think I am going to do it this year. Especially since the kids got their dad nothing for christmas or his birthday,oh and fathers day they are 13 and almost 15 . I even bought her a mothers day gift. Now I just ignore her, pretend she doesnt exist. Its hard, but it has made my life more enjoyable.