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Tomorrow begins my 11 day Christmas 'vacation' with ss

Tx mommy of 3's picture

So tomorrow we get ss13...for 11 straight LONG days. Yea. I'm so excited about thi Christmas. Let's see, the last Christmas ss spent with us at my parents house he stormed outside and cried. Granted he was about 8, so hopefully that won't happen again. Actually, it shouldn't be that bad. For one, I'm SICK!! That means I have a reason to hide out and sleep in my room all weekend. Crazy how I'm glad to be sick just because it means I won't have to deal with ss.

Then the kids and I are headed to my parents house on Monday...morning! Ss is staying with dh til dh gets off work...on Thursday night. Dh wanted me to bring ss with me. Yeah right. Why would he want to be with me & the kids instead of his dad? I told him he could come with me but we'd need to drop him off at mil's. (at least there he is with family, grandma and an uncle his age.) Dh refused saying that he was afraid that bm would get mad and pick up ss from his mom's since ss wasn't with dh. I told him bm would do the same if ss was with me too because he'd be texting her about how bored he was blah blah. So instead bil is driving 2 hours mondayto stay with ss while dh is at work. *roll my eyes*. Ss is 13!!! Not a baby. He can stay by himself a few days. Besides ss sleeps til noon anyway and dh goes home for lunch. By then there are only about 4-5 hours left. But whatever. Dh tried to talk me out of having bil come over by saying he was going to have to spend more money so that bil and ss could entertain themselves during the day. Oh, bil is an immature 20 year old. Sad how that didn't even bother me. I don't care what he spends as long as I don't have ss!

We're supposed to have ss til the Tuesday after Christmas. Dh has to be back at work Monday. He is already saying that if ss wants to go home early then he'll let him. Yeah, because we both know dh doesn't like dealing with ss alone. He invited his brother to stay the week so that he can have bil deal with ss. He couldn't stand the thought of being with ss all week by himself. And already talking of letting him go home early? I wish. But I don't think bm will ask for him early. Only because we are following the CO exactly. We'll see.

So I guess it won't be that bad...hiding out this weekend, seeing ss for 3-5 days. We'll see how it goes!