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Dh will miss Halloween

Tx mommy of 3's picture

So it's not a big deal compared to other things. And I should be grateful that I haven't had to see ss as much lately. At least one visit the last two months dh has spent visitation with ss at mil's while the kids and I stay home. (we live in a different town than ss and it is just MUCH easier notto travel with 3 kids!) It is just how things have worked out and I have enjoyed only seeing ss once a month! Anyway, this weekend he comes again. Unfortunately Halloween is on Sunday- travel day. Meaning dh leaves by 4 to get ss home at 6 then gets back home a little after 8. Our kids are young and bedtime is 8. Our fall festival is sun night and since he'll be traveling will miss it. This will be baby's first Halloween. I know, not a big deal really but still. He was there for the other kids first Halloween. It also means I have to take all 3 out alone. It's tough. I know, I hav 3 kids, not 8 but it is still hard, especially in crowds. I gently suggested to dh maybe taking ss home a little early so he could make it back in time- no. Shut me down before I finished asking. Just bummed.


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Thanks. Halloween isn't too big of a deal for us. We do let the kids dress up and take them to a church thing. But he'll still miss it. He won't get to see them in costumes. I also really only take the kids (all 3) in crowds like that when I have someone else with me. he older 2 are high maintenance, active and rowdy together! Now I have to take them by myself or else they miss out on 'halloween'.