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the_stepmonster's Blog

Vacation Officially Over :(

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The last 17 days without the steps has been glorious. No one yelling "Daaaaadddddyyyy!" No one banging on our door at 6am on the weekends. No one competing to sit next to my husband. No one complaining that our unborn baby will be getting 2 full-time parents. No one coming into my house acting like everything belongs to them. DH and I even went on a 6 day vacation during that time. But as we know all good things must come to an end.

Things that make you go hmm....

the_stepmonster's picture

SD9 has supposedly officially moved in with BM's mother, while SD11 and SD4 are still with BM. The story we received from SD9 and SD11 over Christmas break was that SD9 had a fight with BM and BM told her she can't handle her anymore and shipped her off to grandma (all without DH's consent or the option of caring for his daughter himself).

Why does everything have to be so difficult??

the_stepmonster's picture

DH finally got off his butt and emailed a lawyer about his options regarding BM shipping his kids off to live with her mother without his notification or consent. He was livid (and rightly so) when he first found out that SD9 was transferring schools in January and that SD11 would be transferring after the school year. BM never told him or even gave him the option to take custody of them, even though she clearly couldn't handle them herself. Of course she didn't though. That would mean she would have to give up her hefty CS check.


the_stepmonster's picture

I have had several conversations with DH where I rationally tell him how I feel about the SDs in an adult and clear manner and we discuss together how to remedy the situation. I try not to let me evil stepmother warts show very often. But not everyone is perfect.

Stupid BM

the_stepmonster's picture

I know I have written snippets about her stupidity in other posts but I just cannot get over it and DH refuses to discuss it. I guess even he is embarrassed to have been dumb enough to procreate with her. Three times.


the_stepmonster's picture

The steps went back to their mother last night and we won't see them again until after the holidays. Woohoo! I'm so glad our Christmas with them is over and done with and DH and I can look forward to spending the next two weeks together.

So there we are, basking in my nice quiet and clean home. DH and I even watched a rated R movie that we've had for a while but couldn't watch while the girls were there. Of course, he is soooo sad about how quiet it is in the house without his kids running wild, but I chose to ignore that comment.

Sad or Hilarious?

the_stepmonster's picture

Even though DH requested to have the steps for the whole week he was ordered to bring them back by today. SD11 was trying to get DH to drop them off at grandma's instead. I mean, why bother with mommy if mommy is going to dump them at grandma's anyway, right? Anyway, grandma lives a good 1.5 hours even further than BM, who already lives 1 hour away, so DH said no way, Jose. Then this happened:

The Latest

the_stepmonster's picture

Last time I updated, DH received a call from SD9 saying she was going to go live with BM's mom next school year. He didn't have the whole story yet, but was agitated that there was apparently some sort of conversation about it that he was not involved in.

Update to Dear DH

the_stepmonster's picture

When we last left The Stepmonster, she threatened to email BM herself if DH did not grow some balls and make sure we can have his children until Christmas Eve morning. Since then, DH sent BM a text message (because heaven forbid he procreate with her and then be forced to speak to her) with this request.

Her reply? "Have plans."
