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Stupid BM

the_stepmonster's picture

I know I have written snippets about her stupidity in other posts but I just cannot get over it and DH refuses to discuss it. I guess even he is embarrassed to have been dumb enough to procreate with her. Three times.

Anyway, this weekend we had the SDs and SD11 had a heart to heart with DH. SD11 told DH that BM is really struggling with money and is living on credit cards. She also said she never checks the mail so the only time they know a bill is due is when the collectors call or when the service gets shut off. These poor kids shouldn't have to worry about whether or not mommy can pay the bills. They shouldn't even be involved in these discussions.

Now, BM's stupidity isn't that she is struggling. We've all struggled in our lives and if we are lucky we get through it with a little more character. Her stupidity lies in the fact that she is terrible with money. I have calculated that after CS, her income and tax credits, she brings home more money than DH. I've taken the liberty of running the numbers:

BM's annual after-tax income:
CS - $19,800
Salary - $40,000 (assuming tax breaks since she is a public school teacher, and a higher salary since she is special education certified)
EITC - $5,500
Total - $65,300 take home after taxes

DH's annual after-tax income:
Salary - $66,000
Less CS - (19,800)
Total - $46,200

DH and I did not move in with one another until we were married last year. He brought with him a significant savings, as well as a sizable 401(k) and college funds for his SDs. So why is BM struggling so hard? Maybe it has to do with the $2000/month nanny she has hired so that she doesn't need to take care of her own children? Or maybe because when she got her CS increased last year, she immediately went out and purchased a brand new car. OR perhaps smoking a pack a day is a little more pricey than she anticipated?

All I know is that aside from the nanny, the kids do not benefit one bit. Her parents buy them their Christmas gifts, we buy their school clothes, she only feeds them Ramen and hot pockets, they aren't in any after school activities, etc. Apparently this is all too much responsibility though because we found out this weekend she transferred the SDs to a school in her parents' school zone and will be sending her children to live with grandma starting in January. I guess she thought she could get away with this without us finding out because we were never notified of a change in schools. We only found out through talking to the girls. DH usually just lets her do whatever she pleases but he is finally fired up that she is giving his kids away without even giving him the option of taking them. He contacted a lawyer yesterday about his options. It's going to get ugly and I for one am glad we aren't taking her crap any more.


the_stepmonster's picture

Yes! My poor SD's come over without coats in the middle of winter or looking like little homeless people. If they come over in decent, not homeless looking, clothes they freak out when I tell them I need to wash them. Like I am going to keep their only good pair of jeans and send them home in pajamas or something. I honestly don't know what BM does with her money though because she looks just as bad. Part of me hopes she has developed a nasty drug habit to make the custody issue even easier.