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The financial impact of CS

NCMilGal's picture

No, not on us, on BM.

With the discussions about children choosing which parent to live with at 12 or 14, I was wondering what would happen to BM if we ever did manage to get custody.

BM doesn't get CS.
BM doesn't get the federal child tax credit.
BM has to pay CS.

Making a couple of ASSumptions about BM's salary based on job type (administrative) and longitivity (been there just over a year) and her DH's salary (known, it's a public salary)...

BM would have to get a raise of $16,800/year (more than half her current estimated salary) to maintain the same net income.

And THAT, my friends, is why we'll never get custody, not because she can't live without SD14.


Lovepets's picture

:sick: It just makes me sick!!! All they want is the money, yet they play the kid card every time!

NCMilGal's picture

Blender, it actually doesn't, not for CS. But it does determine the federal income tax rate; if BM were filing single, she'd pay 15% because she doesn't make enough. With his income added in, the amount she would have to make to make up for the taxes that my DH pays on her CS is 25%.

The two households have roughly equal incomes, but BM is living the high life with a huge mortgage, furniture bought on credit, and a new convertible every two years. Her constant refrain to SD14 is "we can't afford that". There is NO WAY she would ever give up the extra $$. DH pays for any camps, all transportation, and her musical instruments for band. The utilities *might* go down, so might the food, but the school uniforms are $5 for polo shirts and $10 for pants (I think it's a state thing, honestly) and SD14 doesn't have more than 2 pairs of shoes.

We don't mind supporting SD14, it's the $300k house with a pool we resent subsidizing.

mom2five's picture

We got custody. And my husband's ex-wife took a $2,700 dollar per month pay cut when she lost child support. That's $32,400 a year in tax free income that she no longer gets.

Can you tell I feel really sorry for her? }:)

NCMilGal's picture

Your husband was paying $2700/month??? Wow...

DH is only paying $622/month, but the taxable income to replace that is over $10k/year.

mom2five's picture

Yep. $2,700 a month. For years. And she still managed to be consistently broke. She declared bankruptcy. And ran up her bills again. She is now in debt to pretty much everyone in her town. And she lost her home to foreclosure several years ago.

She had everyone...her friends, her family, and her church...convinced that she wasn't getting any support at all. For months, her church paid her mortgage. Her parents paid for the kids' clothes, school supplies, and trips. I could go on and on.

Her house of cards came crumbling down when everyone found out how much support she was getting. Her church cut her off as did her friends. Her parents continue to support her.

When I was a single mom, I got no child support for the first two years. And when I finally did start getting support, it was $700 a month. And I was ok with that. If someone had written me a check for $2,700 a month, I would have thought I had won the lottery!

The kids decided to move in with us a couple of years ago. And the Karma Bus hit her head on!

happymostly's picture

gosh thinking about people actually getting 2700 a month in child support is unreal. Thats more than I make in a freaking month. i mean child support is a good thing, but 2700 a freaking month!? that just makes me sick.

JustAnotherSM's picture

DH had custody of SS for a year. During that time BM lost her $250/month CS and the tax credit. She also had to pay DH a whopping $100/month CS. I know it hit her pretty hard. But she had her (now ex)DH as well as her parents helping her out all the time.

antidrama's picture

Our SD is now starting middle school and BM wants her to ride the bus and stay home in the afternoons. This means we would no longer be paying $300/month in daycare. true BM fashion, she is demanding that we pay HER that additional amount.....for the 2 hrs/day extra she will have her (because her bills will be soooooo much more).