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stepmom31's Blog

Revelation - It's not about me!

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DH came home a bit tipsy last night. He's been working so many long hours, he needed to just unwind a bit. But it's funny the things that come out when a bit of alco is involved.

He started to compare me and our kid vs me and his kids, saying I don't have the same urgency with his as with mine. And that I give up on his kids easily.

ExWife forged his signature! Twice!!

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I've been away for a bit, lurking mostly because things have been good and I'm being happy and making the best of it.

But today I just need to VENT.

The house that DH and exW lived in was foreclosed.
ExW went after the assistance settlement being offered by the State. She told DH she was going after it, but he never heard anything about it after that.

If you don't laugh, you will cry - Kids & Lying

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The kids are with us for a week of winter break.

SD11 got a sore throat and seemed to be coming down with something, so DH and I have been pumping her with Vit C and hot soup and she's been feeling better. She said it to me and I can see it because she is back to her normal self 100%. Vit C works wonders BTW.

Anyway, apparently she had called her mom and told her about feeling sick. Not a problem at all. So her mom calls everyday to check on her. I'm home with the kids while DH is at work.

How do we Stepparents protect our PRIVACY???

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This Q is for you veteran stepparents:

How hard has it been to do this?

I am struggling.

I don't want the kids in our bedroom, DH sometimes lets them in and sometimes they do it so innocently.

If ANY fight/disagreement happens between DH and I, they report back.

We live with our in-laws and even my MIL is concerned, because SD snoops in all the drawers and reports back to BM and her family. My MIL has people who come to her and tell her about things going on in her own house.

I flipped

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Got so angry, felt so alone, felt like such a failure... and i flipped...

I broke a glass, cut my hand in the process, not intentionally... DH hates me now because we live with in-laws and kids were here and saw me in a state... think i need to go to the hospital for my hand but DH won't take me and i'm afraid to ask anyone else...

and i regret it... i'm so sorry... all i wanted was for him to comfort me a bit, and i got the exact opposite. he said i am jus like the ex... i have totally failed... as a stepmom, second wife etc.

Discipline and WEEKEND Parenting

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I am now beginning to realize just how tough it is to instill some kind of discipline in the kids when the ONLY time you see them is on the weekends. There is simply not enough time to follow-through immediately after. BM does not share the same values and so it's no use trying to get her help in shaping behavior at her house. And the un-predictability of plans for the following weekend make it almost impossible for consequences to "roll-over".

What was my DH THINKING????!!! Arrrrrggghhhh, MEN!!!!

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I KNOW he has kids. I KNOW he's experienced everything before - the pregnancy, the birth, the diapering, the child's play etc. etc. etc.

But does he REALLY need to be the one to tell me how things are going to be? Or does he even really need to tell me how they were? Can't we just pretend this is a first? It is after all MY FIRST.
