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Sia's Blog


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For anyone still around who knows my story, I was asked for an update, so I am posting one.....

The children are well. We discovered, however, that the baby (now 3mos) has healing fractures in his knees! When I found this out, I excused myself from the room and pukedin the garbage can outside the room. I was so mad, I gave myself a migraine thinking about it. What kind of person does this to a baby?????? I know, she's mentally ill, she can't help it. Maybe, but SD knew better than to leave the babies with BM. We kept telling her not to. She did it anyway, so we have them.

so mad I'm shaking!

Sia's picture

WTF is wrong with people. I know I find myself asking this question a lot, but seriously.... what is wrong with people?

Here DH and I are raising SD21s children, and their parents have the nerve to get shitty b/c I woke them up this morning? Really? You CAN'T be serious, can you? Wow! Takes nerve, real nerve!


Sia's picture

What have I gotten myself into? Mostly kidding.... seriously, I cannot believe that I am raising a 2yo and 2mo, again. Wow, I had forgotten what it was like to operate on NO sleep and have your house look as though someone turned it upside down and shook it! This all has been sooo very trying, but I think in a good way, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

WE WON!!!!!!!

Sia's picture

For anyone following my story, WE WON!!!!!!! We get SD21s children today!!!! OMG I am sooooo nervous and scared and happy and scared and overwhelmed ALL at the same time! ACK!

DH is in court as we speak ironing out the details.....but, they will be w/us by supper time. I'm releived, but soooooo very nervous!

I have soooo much to do! I have to find a daycare ASAP! I can't believe what they charge! I have ZERO experience with them. Never had to use one.

completely OT....... what would YOU do?

Sia's picture

I'm in school FT. last quarter, I caught a fellow classmate cheating on a test. The university has a strict zero tolerance policy, and I knew if I told that she would be removed. I struggled with it for a few hours and finally decided to tell my professor. I had to make a formal statement, and speak to the medical director and speak in front of a governing board as to what I witnessed. The girl was a friend, or I thought she was, so it was hard for me.
