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OT--- need forum ideas for online class

Sia's picture

I'm taking an online psychology class, and need some ideas for a forum we have to moderate. I want to keep mine centered around stepparenting issues. I already created one about PAS and someone else took "blended families". I need 2 more......
Any suggestions?????


ScornedSM's picture

If it were up to me }:) , I would open up my own "research lab" adjust the temps, send in animals, "trigger" words, etc. yet that is just "me" and I am a true geek.

SteppingUp's picture

Economic issues: handling finances/stressors when one parent has money coming out for CS/alimony

Guilty parenting or "Disneyland Dads/Moms"

Stepparents who have no biological children

Having a baby in a blended family

Stepparenting children with special needs

Handling discipline of tweens/teens between households

B's picture

I like a lot of SteppingUp's ideas.
I also think Extended Family Issues in a Blended Family would be a good one.

anabihibik's picture

Maybe you can talk about the difference in approaches by step parents, like primary parenting vs disengagement.

Sia's picture

Thank you all for your suggestions! I appreciate everyone who took the time to post a constructive answer.

Stick's picture

Sia - how about something with death and stepfamilies? Or when 2nd families are torn apart by conflict - and there is visitation between the stepparent and the child?

SD's grandma on her Bio mom's side is very ill, and could definitely pass soon. There's been a lot of bad blood between BM's mom, and DH, and a lot of it aimed at me.

No matter what, when BM came here recently to pick up SD to take her to the hospital to see her mom, I couldn't help but notice how tired and sad she looked and how she was trying to hold it together. I gave her a hug (which she seemed shocked by), but also, when she was talking about her mom and teared up, I teared up as well, because I knew that despite all the bullshit, this person was hurting. SD actually was just staring at the two of us - we hugged, and we shared a tear.

Might be interesting family dynamics... Smile

jesses girl's picture

What about Hostile Aggressive Parenting, or Maternal Gatekeeping? Both good topics, and actually what happens in the parent/child relationship prior to PAS.