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Sia's Blog

Curious, how many of you DO NOT get along with/inlaws?

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I'm just curious as to how many of you don't get along with your SO's family. If you don't, why do you think that is? Is it related to the skids or BM, or is it just a personality thing? Or more? Being nosey.... Wink
I'll start...
My FIL is the sweetest man ever, but my MIL is an arse... she's nuts, really. BIL is a criminal, SIL is just strange (too much to explain really), she's weird.

SD is skating on some very thin ice

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If you read my last blog, you will better understand this one. DH went home yesterday and told SD to either learn to respect people (Me and Him) or move out. He flat out told her that she was being an arse and she needed to learn how to treat people with respect.

You are NEVER going to believe what her reply was......
She said she doesn't say "thank you" to people and such b/c that is what they expect her to do.... WTF????

my poor friend.....

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I feel so badly for a friend of mine, he's a single dad. Well, not totally, but may as well be. The BM in his situation sucks. When he divorced, he allowed his BS to live w/BM b/c she was so depressed and he thought taking away BS would make her loose her mind. He was basically old enough to take care of himself, BUT he knew BS did not need to live with her.

can't understand BM and her family

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I know they are mentally ill, but I still can't wrap my head around the fact that their hate for DH & I is so much greater than their love for SD18. I posted last wk about NONE of them even coming to her graduation, or even acknowledging it. I had her party Saturday, and not ONE of them even acknowledged that either. I would've expected at least she get a phone call or card, or something, but NOTHING from them....

so sad for SD....

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I am so sad for my SD18 today. She graduated from high school today, and not ONE single person from BM's family, including BM, bothered to show up for her graduation. She says she doesn't really care, but I can see the pain in her face. I feel so bad for her.

What mother would NOT go to her own childs graduation? I sent them all invites.

BS's mystery illness

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I am so frustrated with doctors and the like. As you may remember, right before Christmas, BS11 went to the hospital for a staph infection in his kidney. Well, they cleared it up and scheduled a VCU test (basically a voiding urine test) to see if, in fact, he had reflux in the bladder. They had suspected reflux (back flow of urine to the kidney) b/c of the massive scaring he had on his rt kidney. They said that the scarring could've only come from infection (absent any surgeries). So, the did the test to double check, or confirm it, before they removed 1/2 the kidney.
