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sammmx's Blog

So SS9 might NOT be living with us now...

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We had our meeting with our Children's Aid caseworker today. It went alright I suppose, she kind of is a bitch in my opinion. Not in what she does or says, just how she says it. I feel like she writes herself a script, memorizes it, presents it to us and is out the door. She's always in and out in under half an hour and doesn't really give us a chance to have a conversation or really ask questions. Like she's always on this super tight schedule... she's going on maternity leave soon anyway, so I guess she doesn't want to get too involved?

The truth comes out when you're drunk.

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The other night I was feeling really down about alot of things and took it upon myself to finish up a bottle of wine after dinner. I would be lying if I said I wasn't buzzed, boderline perhaps intoxicated. Children's Aid is doing a follow up visit on Friday so initially BF and I were talking about that (I was telling him which rooms he was in charge of cleaning lol) and from that, it turned to conversation about the SKids & BM.

"You're mean" , "You're a kill joy" ...

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Nope, not from the mouth of the kids but... From the mouth of BF. apparently I am mean because after the "chair incident" (see other blog) I decided SS2 was no longer allowed to cook with me. Clearly I lack the ability to babysit and cook at the same time. "You're mean, he loves cooking. You need your little assistant." Uh, no. Not after that last ordeal. So as I write this BF is cooking with SS2. Doesn't hurt my feelings any!

BM in my house while I am away... wtf BF?

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So BM was in detox for the past week, part of what she has been ordered to do to regain custody of her kids. She also has to do a 90 day treatment program but that isn't until August. So anyway, I went away for the weekend to visit my friend who just had a baby. Well of course, I leave and suddenly things BF and I have agreed to go straight out the window...

SS2 jumps off chair onto MY dog...

sammmx's picture

So I was in the kitchen cooking dinner last night, SS2 was standing on a chair by the sink watching me. Whatever, he's interested in cooking and likes to 'help', so I usually just get him to pass me utensils and then he'll go play. But, BF has been sick lately so BF had asked me to keep an eye on him while he napped.

So of course after a while in cooking, there's nothing really a 2yr old could do. So I'm trying to stir the pasta and since he's bored he's dicking around on the chair and decides to try and jump OVER my dog, who was laying behind the chair.

SS9 is coming to live with us now too...

sammmx's picture

So anyone who has read my posts know that my BF's BM is a drug addict who passed out and burnt her kitchen down, and therefore got evicted by her landlord as she had uninstalled all the smoke detectors in her house. After this, Children's Aid had her sign over temporary custody of SS2 to BF and I. He has been here for probably a little over a month? BM also has another son, SS9, who is not biologically my BFs but he raised him for 5 years and as his BD is not present, looks to my BF as his dad. Because of this, when BM lost custody SS9 went to live with BMs mom, his grandma.
