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The truth comes out when you're drunk.

sammmx's picture


The other night I was feeling really down about alot of things and took it upon myself to finish up a bottle of wine after dinner. I would be lying if I said I wasn't buzzed, boderline perhaps intoxicated. Children's Aid is doing a follow up visit on Friday so initially BF and I were talking about that (I was telling him which rooms he was in charge of cleaning lol) and from that, it turned to conversation about the SKids & BM.

Well I blew up about the whole BM being in the house alone thing, and going off about how just because she finished a week of detox doesn't mean she's suddenly 'fixed' and has earned the right to be left alone with her toddler son... let alone in MY house. BF kind of brushed it off like it was no big deal, and it went something like this...

Me: You act like she just made one tiny mistake and since she's took one tiny step in the right direction that means all wounds are healed and everything can go back to normal.

BF: Maybe I do think it was just a tiny mistake.

Me: Almost burning your house down because you're passed out while you're children are there is not a TINY MISTAKE. Losing your children to CAS for a second time because of abusing drugs is NOT a tiny mistake.

BF: You can't say that, you don't know the whole story. You don't even know her.

Me: I know what YOU'VE told me, and from day one you've said she's a drug addict. All my information comes from YOU. Suddenly because I'm more aggressive with the issue it's not all true?

BF: Maybe I was just mad when I said it. She's obviously doing what she can so I'm not going to withold her son from her. If she wants to see him, she's free to.

Me: Whatever, you need to get your priorities straight & realize some things are MORE IMPORTANT than what your drug addicted BM thinks of you. You have NO obligation to her.

BF: I do have an obligation to her, she's the mother of my child.

Me: No, you have an obligation to YOUR CHILD. The only woman you have an obligation to is ME, the woman you love. But - oh wait - you have an obligation to her. You MUST love her!

BF: I will always have love for her.

Me: Yep, of course you still love her. *Storms off* (Drunken antics, joy).

Ugh. I don't know why it pissed me off so much. I've been pushing this custody thing because I know that once she does get custody back (which she probably will, not immediately, but eventually because while she does abuse drugs, she is in her own way trying to do the right thing) she's going to be bitter and things are going to go back to the exact way they were before this - BF only getting the SKids on Sundays IF she doesn't have anywhere better to send them. And since they don't have a CO, she can and does get away with it. But of course, he doesn't want to be the bad guy. And when I point this out to him he says, "I'm sure I could have them as much as I want." Oh really? Then how come it was never like that before, and suddenly since she's lost the kids she's going to be more giving to you in the future? Uh, NO, I don't think so buddy...

And the stupid loving her comment. I mean, I KNOW he will always care about her and obviously they produced offspring together... but he always feels the need to remind me when we argue about it. Like what is he trying to prove? He doesn't need to rub it in. I dunno, maybe I'm a jealous freak but it still bothers me. It's like the one thing they shared that I can never be apart of. And I don't know, sometimes I wonder now that since BM's boyfriend is MIA (aka an extended stay in JAIL) that if BF and I weren't together if he'd go crawling back to her. I'm the first woman he's been with since him and BM were together & he stayed single for an entire YEAR waiting for her to come back before he even STARTED dating around again. Ugh.

I don't know. I'm having a really low moment in my life right now, it seems like everything and anything is upsetting me lately. Sigh. Sad


Purplemom's picture

I wonder what it is like to have perament rose colored glasses? He needs ot pull his head out proto and respect your boundaries. I'd be pissed too!

smdh's picture

Um, my dh has offspring with Lazy McCrazy and he hates her with every fiber of his being. He does not care about her well-being. He does not love her. He does not even like her. He loathes the fact that he has to continue any sort of contact with her.

smdh's picture

And one more thing. I am absolutely smitten with my dh, but if he almost burned the house down while my child was inside because he was doing something inane, I'd kick his ass into next year and he'd be on the outside looking in. I don't put my child's life in harm's way when I can help it.

cant win for losin's picture

Im sorry i dont buy the whole oblgation to bm, love for her shit.

I have two kids with exh, and i could give to shits. I dont wish ill and would feel bad for my kids if heaven forbid something happen to him, but NOTHING makes me feel obligated or even feel a tiny bit of love for him.

Any news of his demise or accidents would be taken and felt about in the same manner as a person i dont know. A person i know of, but dont know persinally.

My response would be "thats too bad."

Pinki3663's picture

He still loves his ex? really? The child and the ex are two very separate people, why can't he just love his child. If those words ever crossed my SO's lips he would be given a permanent opportunity to LOVE his ex all he wants.

I have fond memories of some of my exes but I certainly don't love them, ha. That's gross.

Disneyfan's picture

This guy is still in love with BM. If she gets clean, and will take him back, he will go running.

I often hear BMs\BDs say they will always love their child's dad/mom because of the bond they have with the child. What most won't say is that is code for the relationship may be over, but casual sex is still an option.

luchay's picture

Yep - to all of the replies - it is NOT normal to still feel love for your ex regardless of having kids together.

Fond memories of good times, sure. If things are amicable then a certain caring - no worries.

Love? NO WAY.

And if anyone put my kid in that sort of danger - fuck second chances. It would bw a cold day in hell before they were let anywhere near my kids again - regardless of if they are the other parent. That is some serious "mistake" she made.

I think he still wants her back too. It just doesn't sound right.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

OMFG,if I have heard "she is the mother of my kids" once I have heard it a million times. My answer is AND? It doesn't make her GOD woman have been giving birth since the beging of time she didn't do anything special even the crack whores on the street corners of Paterson give birth!! He doesn't say he cares or loves her, just the opposite, he dispises her and if she died in a firey crash he would be more then elated he would have his kids FT lol. Those words make me cringe! I doubt she will come clean for her kids, if she hasn't already she probably won't. I know of someone who just lost custody of her kids for life with DYFS, she had a million chances to get clean and didn't she can't even visit them supervised.

LizzieA's picture

I think there is a chance that he's still enmeshed with her in a co-dependent way. He's all too ready to excuse her actions and pretend that "everything is OK" now. DO NOT allow him to withhold from you by saying he still "loves" her. That is the most self-serving piece of BS game playing ever. For whatever reason he is still invested in keeping her happy. And with an addict that means sweeping things under the rug and pretending everything is normal. See how he's casting YOU as the bad guy here for being so judgmental about poor BM?

I'd say to him, since you still "love" her, make excuses for her and are obviously going to cave into whatever her demands are regardless of danger to your child, that I'll just leave you to your train wreck, thank you very much.

S, you can and will do better! Listen to your gut. This situation is a nightmare.

sammmx's picture

Yeah, and that's the frustrating part. It's always something he kind of 'said' (about both BMs, actually) like it was no big deal so even though it upset me I just kind of let it go. I thought it was just NORMAL. I have heard my Dad say he still loves his ex-wife whom he has a son with (despite being married to my mother for 25 years now) so I just thought that was what happened when you have a child with someone. But evidently not... bleh.