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Another battle won!

Little Jo's picture

Last night BF talked with BM about the taxes and the fact that he is lowering the child support to what he is SUPPOSE to be giving her.

The conversation was almost comical.!!

BM was so snotty and snide about it all. BF is trying to explain to her that he is entitled to claim two of the girls because he contributed to more than half of the parental support. She starts going nuts. " Well you better not think you're gonna do this next year, I'm making almost as much as you now." ( GOOD! THAT MEANS CS WILL GO DOWN MORE )
Then she starts in on "well, you can't lower the support without us going back to court". (Ah, no lady, he has been over paying you!!) BF and I last night added it up. He has over paid her 6000.00 last year. Not including the 1000.00 backmail money.

Next think you know she starts screaming at the 14 yr. old while BF is on the phone with her. ( Get out the violin )
"You know I work so hard at my job and at this house, these kids are ridiculess. Why should I let her 'girlfreind' come over here. Why do I have to take care of everyone else!"

SO PROUD OF BF. He re-plied. " NO that girl shouldn't be at that house at all because she almost killed my Daughter." ( The falling of the roof incident ) BM shut right up. Then he repeated it. BM responsed, "well that's not the story I got"

So, things calms down and BF re-iterates that starting this Friday she is only getting 250.00 instead of 350.00.

Then as classic 'Darkness'. she says, " There is going to be a problem with the IRS. "

BF: what are you talking about.
BM: Never mind, I shouldn't talk to you about that.
BF: What are you talking about.'
BM: No, I don't know.
BF: Are you afraid you are in trouble with the IRS.
BM: I don't know.
BF: Is there a problem.
BM. No, I don't know, but.....
BF: But what?????
BM: No, never mind. I have to go.


BF & I are wondering if she already put in her taxes and claimed all 4.


leapinglion's picture

Whew! Wheat a mess. Good luck with it all!

SympatheticBioDad's picture

I would almost bet money that is the case. I would prepare for a call from the IRS. Who has primary custody? I thought the Federal law states that the child must live with you more than 50 percent of the time to claim them without court order or voluntary release of the claim.


Little Jo's picture

MB has sole pyshical custody, they have joint legal custody. Yes, the children must live in the non-custodial parent's house for more then half the year, UNLESS
the Non custodial parent has paid more than half of the the combined parental support.

Funny thing is, if she did already filed using all 4 girls, she screwed her self. It will hold up her refund.

Caitlin's picture

"Darkness" is a good one! Ours is "www": short for the Wicked Witch of the West. (Actually, it's the Wicked Witch of the town she lives in, which starts with a W, but that seemed too long to explain. But then again, I did go on to explain it!)

We keep shortening it, it's funny. It started out as the Wicked Witch of W-town. Then www (said, double-u double-u double-u) and then we just pared it down to www (said, wuh-wuh-wuh).

I think everyone should have a pet name for someone difficult to deal with. It really lightens the mood!

tiff's picture

And for your B/F he shouldn't have to pay more. I'm happy for you both and that he said that stuff to her. Sounds like it made your day!!

Little Jo's picture

It's certainly gonna make our Fridays!! It's so funny. He has not missed a payment, but yet BM will still call him every Friday to 'REMIND HIM'. She is out of her tree.

We have alot more battles ahead. The money was just the begining. Now we have to fight for the well-being of these Girls.

I'm so glad I found this site.

Thank you - Jo