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Had to copy and paster Crayon's response to my earlier blog below.

RustyHalo's picture

This still has me laughing.

Droop: Dad, I'm STAAAARVING!!!
BF: Dinner will be soon.
Droop: What's for dinner?
BF: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, salad
Droop (sticks out tongue and makes a digusted face)
BLEEEEECHHHH!! YUCKY!!! I DON"T LIKE MEATLOAF, CAN YOU AND ME EAT AT MICK AND DONALDS?" (notice the you and me not "we" including me)

Droop: I'm thirsty!
BF: (hopping to) Would you like juice, soda, pop?
Droop: DIET COKE!!
BF jumps up and gets it.

Droop: (proverbial full plate of dinner in front of him) I have a HEADACHE!!
BF: Ok, go to the shower (no dinner touched of course)
Fast forward to 20 minute soapless shower ended

Droop: Dad, can I have my TREAT??!!
BF: I'll get you some ice cream.
Droop: Make it with syrup and sprinkles.

Me trying to have conversation with BF shortly after pulling in the driveway.

Droop: Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad!!!
BF: (instead of telling droop to hold his thought b/c he's talking to crayon) What honey???!!
Droop: (trying to think of something to say; ANYTHING that will keep daddykins from talking to crayon) Um, uh, umm uhm, uh uh. . .
BF: What? (sweetly)
Droop: One time, I saw a squirrel.
BF: (smiles with approval) You DIIIIIID?!

“The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty with the son who neglects them.” -Confucius


NotTheRealMom's picture

Wow! I feel like a lived this same situation! haha...

anabihibik's picture

I read the first couple lines from the home screen, and got a craving for mashed potatoes.

To every thing there is a season.

bearcub25's picture

I can't wait to here the same shit in 2 days.
I'm gonna start drinking early.

NotTheRealMom's picture

I can't wait to hear the same thing in 2 hours...I already have a glass of wine...
Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.
Anton Chekhov

Totalybogus's picture

I never let my own kids interrupt the adults. They had to wait until there was a break in the conversation, there is no way I would allow any other child to do it either. If my husband were too much of a pansy to speak up and teach his own children some manners, you bet I'd be all over that like white on rice.

HeatherM's picture

Especially the part about the leaf... my SS8 does the same thing, but then again sounds a lot like Droop.

Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad...

Look, it's a leaf

This happens ALL the time.

HeatherM's picture

Especially the part about the squirrel... my SS8 does the same thing, but then again sounds a lot like Droop.

Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad...

Look, it's a leaf

This happens ALL the time.