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BM in my house while I am away... wtf BF?

sammmx's picture

So BM was in detox for the past week, part of what she has been ordered to do to regain custody of her kids. She also has to do a 90 day treatment program but that isn't until August. So anyway, I went away for the weekend to visit my friend who just had a baby. Well of course, I leave and suddenly things BF and I have agreed to go straight out the window...

I guess BF and his friend were outside smoking when out of no where BM just HAPPENS to be walking passed our house. Our house is right by the sidewalk & we don't have much of a front yard so they obviously all saw each other. BF tells her he thought she was in detox, and she informs him, yes she was but it was only 1 week and she just got out yesterday, so now she's clean and sober. I guess BF told her that he plans on seeking full custody until she is consistently sober and doing well with a house and a job for atleast one year, and then they can go back to court and come to a more "fair" arrangement, which she agrees to. (I told him he should have just told her to sign over custody then, if she 'agreed' to it... his response? Well obviously she wouldn't do that. So much for 'agreeing' then, eh?) So because she "looked sober" BF asked her if she wanted to COME IN and see SS2. Of course, "she'd loooooove to." So he lets her come into MY house and go upstairs ALONE to play with SS2 while him and his buddy are still outside smoking. Okay, sorry if this makes me a bitch but I don't want BM in my house PERIOD... Let alone, unsupervised. And with SS2 who she is not even supposed to SEE outside of what CAS says.

So BF tells me about it yesterday, as he was going on about the issue with SS9 as supposedly since BF readily agreed to take him on, Grandma was all offended and 'changed her mind' and now 'wants to keep him' ... Anyway, so he's telling me this story and casually adds in, "So when I was talking to BM I mentioned it to her...blah blah blah" So of course I ask curiously when he was talking to her, because last I heard she was in detox. Then he's like "...oh, well..." and tells me the story. Which makes me wonder if he was ever going to tell me, or just pretend like it never happened since we agreed from the start NO BMs IN HOUSE, I mean besides the front door way to drop the kids off. Because they used to just roam his house freely before I moved in and I'm not cool with that. And he agreed it wasn't appropriate. We also agreed that we were going to do was CAS said because it wasn't worth the risk of losing the kids to foster care. But apparently because she was out of detox for 1 day and looked clean & sober that's an exception?

Sigh. And then he doesn't even understand why I'm upset because "it's SS2's mom, I'm okay with him seeing her while she's clean." ... Well, obviously CAS is not or they would have called us and arranged something. :/ It frustrates me how he'll just roll belly up for BM no matter what the situation and always give her the benefit of the doubt... even though this isn't the first time she's lost her kids from screwing up with her drug use. But apparently since I don't have kids I don't understand...

And maybe it's true. But he shouldn't have agreed to these things with me if he didn't plan on keeping his word. I told him I felt betrayed, this is MY house too... I don't want BM in it. Sorry. If she wanted to see SS2 he could have gone outside to see her. NO BMS IN MY HOUSE. End of discussion. :/ (Oh and for clarification, while I did move into "his" house... it is a rental house, and I pay half the rent, so I consider it 'mine' enough now that I can make these decisions...)

I'm probably in the wrong about this, I just hate BM and don't want her in my house, or around me, anywhere near me... I can only imagine what kind of snooping she did. She always plays nice to BFs face, but she's the one who told CAS we were alcoholic drug abusers so. I don't know. I guess we'll see. I'm still kind of peeved but I suppose he apologized, but he "Couldn't say no to her face." Ugh. Pansy... grow a pair, seriously. When CAS takes your damn kid you'll wish you'd followed the rules.

Anyway, rant over...


cpreston's picture

Run run run run run run away……

I’m sorry, I don’t know you but if you were my friend IRL, I’d tell you the same thing… just get the eff away from this guy and the drama surrounding his life

Do a “pros and cons” sheet…. Draw a line down a piece of paper and on one side list the bad things and the other side, list the good things…. See which list is longer if it’s the crappy side of the list… bail!

(I know that’s not what you were looking for, I’m sorry if it comes off as harsh)

DASKRA's picture

AGREE... NEVER should she be in your house. especially when you made it clear to him right away.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

After 1 week, she's clean. hahahahaha. Yeah BF not too bright there is he?

There are things that we have to become "crazy bitch" about. One of those things is BM coming to our home. You see, some people don't get how important a rule is until you become "crazy bitch" on them for breaking that rule.

I went ballistic when BM pulled this on me and SO got the point. No more drop offs at our house-- neither of us were home but SD16 let her when BM dropped SD16 off at our house. I also pointed out to SO that he was STUPID for thinking that BM wasn't going to do this and I KNEW she would pull that crap while we were at an appt.

Be the crazy bitch when you have a rule and go ballistic on his ass. He won't do it again. If he does, he can go.

sammmx's picture

Yeah, no kidding. When I first heard the words leave his mouth my immediate response was "You're retarded." And he looked at me like I was speaking Japanese.

Oh yeah, I would be ultimately surprised if it ever happened again. I kind of freaked out. He tried convincing me I was out of line but after 3 hours of me sitting on my computer & ignorning him, I think he got the hint because he was suddenly super ass-kissy & apologetic. He really is dumb sometimes. But most (if not ALL) men are, I'm learning.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

You are not in the wrong. He should have put his cigarette out and brought the child outside to see her. I would be pissed off too.

Lou Salome's picture

Nope. I wouldn't like her in my house. Nothing you can do about what happened, but you have to make it real clear that that will NEVER happen again.